Africa Center of Excellence on Neglected Tropical Diseases and Forensic Biotechnology (ACENTDFB) Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria http.//


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Presentation transcript:

Africa Center of Excellence on Neglected Tropical Diseases and Forensic Biotechnology (ACENTDFB) Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria http.//


High Performing Areas Publication Teaching and Learning Environment Student Enrolment Accreditation

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S/N Strategic Objectives Justification Key Actions Resources Upgrading of the Centre to an Institute with extended focus and new research units New research units to be established will include: Forensic Science Drug Development Cancer Research Trachoma & STH Dengue and Chigunya Fever Unit Snake Anti-venom production Continuous shift in disease dynamics and funding areas demand that change/ expansion of research focus to address societal problems 40% of global population at risk of Dengue infection Dengue & Chigunya will be among the most important remaining NTDs Developmen t of policy documents and statutes Developmen t and mounting of new postgraduate program

S/N Strategic Objectives Justification Key Actions Resources 1 Establishme nt of P3 Laboratory Emerging  infect ions and implication of hitherto non- pathogens in new infections demand protection of researcher and the community against infectious outbreaks Construction or installation of a well equipped P3 Lab Engagement and training of P3 Lab manager and technicians Manpower, at least 1 technician Power supply – inverters, solar power systems

S/N Strategic Objectives Justification Key Actions Resources Establishment of a Bio-Bank Storage and retrieval of bio- samples and documentat ion Procurement of storage facilities Installation of solar power sources Built capacity of manpower to manage the facilities Develop policy on storage and maintenance Bio- materials Storage facilities such as such as Liquid Nitrogen tanks, low temperature freezers - 40o and - 80oC, cold boxes, etc

S/N Strategic Objectives Justification Key Actions Resources Establishme nt of DNA Data Bank DNA Databank is currently not available in the Nigeria. Provide a retrievable bank for genomes and sequences for use in teaching and support in easy comparison and identification of criminal and civil cases Procure hardware and software and tools for DNA record keeping Engage and build manpower for managing the databank Develop policy on forensic data management Computer hardware and software and other tools Data Bank managers and others technical staff Policy documents

S/N Strategic Objectives Justification Key Actions Resources Building collaboration for mapping of NTDs in the Region Several works on NTDs are scattered and uncoordinat Disease mapping will provide a basis for focus areas and development of strategies for control Expand current collaboration to include government and non-governmental agencies and organizations Organize international conferences on mapping of NTDs Fund raising for mapping of NTDs Pilot and expanded mapping activities MoU of with collaboratin g organization s and institutions Proposals for funding Field mapping tools including vehicles

S/N Strategic Objectives Justification Key Actions Resources Establishment of core facility for gene synthesis and sequencing Inaccessibility to the few existing facilities has negatively affected research outputs. Such core facilities are a necessity for high end research works Procurement and installation of core facilities Engagement and training of core facilities mangers and technicians Next generation Sequencers and Gene Synthesizers Manpower development