Lee Pondrom University of Wisconsin


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Presentation transcript:

Lee Pondrom University of Wisconsin Pythia status 8 Feb 2010 Lee Pondrom University of Wisconsin

2->2 Pythia compared to nlojet++ born and jet_chi program

Normalization Each set of four mass plots has one overall normalization. All programs agree on the mass dependence of the cross section. Nlojet++ born agrees better with Pythia as the mass increases.

The earlier plot

Discrepancy at low  Fixed by symmetrizing the cross sections for non-identical partons in the final state because the jets are indistinguishable. The cross sections are symmetrized ut. Explained in Barger and Phillips p 305.

conclusion We understand Pythia. It agrees well with the data, and strengthens the Pythia based quark substructure analysis. Further analysis using nlojet++, which is not understood, is problematic.