Creating Sound In this experiment you are going to be looking at how sound is created!
Drew’s Drums competition support Studio Magic Drummer 1 Street SS2 Studio Magic Drummer 1 Street SS3 Drew’s Drums competition support Drew’s Drums competition support Rice and drum Tuning fork Hold the tuning fork as shown. Bang the side of one of the prongs against the rubber bung. Hold the tuning fork so that one of the prongs just touches the surface of the water, in the middle of the bowl. What do you observe? Put rice on the drum. Bang the drum, away from the rice. What happens? Now bang harder. What happens? 2
Drew’s Drums competition support Studio Magic Drummer 1 Street SS4 Studio Magic Drummer 1 Street SS5 Drew’s Drums competition support Drew’s Drums competition support Salt Sprinkle Put the drum on the speaker. Play music quietly. What happens? Now make the music louder. What do you observe? Balloon Now move the balloon closer to your ear so it just touches it and gently tap again. How does it sound different? What do you think happens to the air particles between your partner’s mouth and the balloon? Hold a blown up balloon near but not touching your ear and gently tap the balloon. What does it sound like? Put a little salt on the drum. Do not turn up the volume. 3