The values of the co-op and what it does for our members and the community
History In 1977 six people started a buying club in Litchfield MN. 1980 the Natural Food Co-op was formed and opened its first location on Second St. In the early 80's the Co-op moved to Third St and the first manager was hired. Almost a decade later the co-op moved to 230 N Sibley Ave where it is today .
What is a Co-op? By definition, a co-operative is an association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. What makes a co-op unique is that it is owned and democratically governed by its members, the people who use its products or services, or are employed by the business. The purpose of the enterprise it to not to accumulate profit for investors, but to meet the goals and aspirations of its members. Membership in the co-op is obtained through the purchase of a member share in the business, which does not change in value (in contrast to publicly traded corporations) and entitles the member to one vote in matters that come before the members.
Cooperative Principles Open and Voluntary Membership Democratic Member Control Members Economic Participation Autonomy and Independence Education, Training and Information Cooperation among Cooperatives Concern for the Community
Mission The mission of the Natural Food Co-op is to enhance the well being of the people in the community by making nutritionally, environmentally and socially healthy products easy to learn about and readily available. The Natural Food co-op is not just about economic gain as is the goal of your typical store. It is about the health of the people we serve, the community we live in and the earth that we are responsible for.
Nutritionally Dietary Restrictions -Gluten, Dairy, Egg, Soy, Vinegar, Yeast, Nut Alternative methods -Homeopathy, Herbal, Dietary (Organic and Non-GMO)
Environmentally Focus on local (Carbon Footprint) 55 local producers 15 local farmers Recycling Program Organic & Non-GMO Special Ordering
Socially Co-op Community Classes Co-op Community Donation Program Community Space Roots of Wellness MEMBERSHIP
Membership Benefits Support a community owned and supported business providing high quality products to the surrounding area 5% off EVERY TIME you shop 10% off special order cases and half cases Reduced registration fee for Co-op offered classes Annual voting privilege for election of Board of Directors Eligible to become a working member or to be elected to the Board of Directors IOU System Quarterly Newsletter HAVE A VOICE
Benefits of Healthy Employees There are a number of other significant benefits of a healthy workforce. By encouraging and promoting a healthy workforce, you can improve: productivity business performance staff morale employee engagement
Benefits of Healthy Employees You will also be able to reduce: accidents and work-related ill health sick pay costs insurance costs pressure on employees covering for those who are absent
Partnering with NFC Membership for Business -Healthy food options -Education Membership for Employees Gift Certificates
Employees at NFC Employee Discount - Healthy food options Classes Recipe Sharing Culture of Wellness -Healthy Foods, Healthy Communities