Mrs. Bonnie Dawson MYP Language and Literature 8th Grade 2018-2019 Welcome Parents! Mrs. Bonnie Dawson MYP Language and Literature 8th Grade 2018-2019
About the Teacher Over 12 years of experience International perspective Diverse student populations Book worm History, politics, travel, exercise Public, private, and charter schools; mixed-gender and single-gender Taught and lived in three countries and three states: Canada, Israel, and America; Maryland, Georgia, and Florida Honors, regular, and exceptional students; English language learners; 7-12 grades plus Love to read
Class Expectations Be S.M.A.R.T. ! S- Seated and working when the bell rings. M – Making the best effort to be successful. A-Always respectful to teachers, classmates, the environment, and ourselves. R – Raise our hand and wait to be called on so everyone can be heard. T- Turn in all our work time and complete for the best possib
Grades Classwork- 20% (6/ quarter) Quizzes- 25% (3/ quarter) Tests- 35% (3/ quarter) Projects- 20% (2/ quarter)
Tests, Quizzes, and Assignments Important dates, assignment information, and rubrics will be posted on our class website and written on the board for students to copy down and reference. Please be sure that your child has their planner/ agenda with them and uses it. I set aside time for students to copy down due dates; these are always posted on our class website for reference. Our first test is tomorrow. Date, study guide, and study guide answer key have been posted on our website.
Late Work Franklin Policy: Work submitted late has a 10% penalty per day After 5 days, work may no longer be accepted and earns a score of 0.
Essential Websites Class website: Power School: Power School: Go to class website and show sections: How to get to Lang and Lit page Tests, Quizzes, Assignments Vocabulary Weekly schedule
Essential Websites Collections Textbook and Close Reader: AR: AR: iReady:
Power School All attendance, assignments and grades are recorded here Please check Power School regularly for any missing work You all have a week after I submit grades to submit a concern
FSA Florida Standards Assessment Students will be preparing for the Florida Standards Assessments throughout the year Reading Assessment Writing Assessment Text-based essays Informative/Explanatory Argumentative/Opinion Last quarter
iReady Utilized to predict a student’s performance on state assessments “Strive for 45” minutes per week to strengthen skills
Accelerated Reading a system to encourage and reward students for independent reading Students will take quizzes based on the books they read outside of class. AR accounts for two grades at the end of each quarter.
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