Due Dates subject to change. Watch for dashboard updates. SPP-PCR Annual Cycle July April January October August May March February December November June May 2016 Districts continue to submit evidence of correction for noncompliance Jan.2016 Districts submit evidence of correction for noncompliance Districts continue submitting 14-15 PCR April 2016 Districts submit evidence of correction for noncompliance Districts receive notification of noncompliance SSIP due to OSEP 2015-2016 Due Dates subject to change. Watch for dashboard updates. Aug. 2015 15-16 PCR report opens for submission Nov. 2015 Districts submit evidence of correction for noncompliance until 100% compliant Districts continue submitting 15-16 PCR ODE populates report for B 11 with data and districts begin data analysis SPR&I Annual Training Dec.2015 Feb. 2016 APR due to OSEP Districts 15-16 PCR data ODE populates report for B 1, 2 with data and districts begin data analysis March 2016 CC verify 15-16 PCR submission ODE populates report for B 3 with data and districts begin data analysis Oct. 2015 SPR&I Annual Trainings June 2016 ODE disseminates Final Determinations based on % of noncompliance corrected within one year SPR&I Data Analysis and Action Plan DUE July 2016 Districts continue to submit evidence of correction for noncompliance Review and Approve / Reject SPR&I Action Plans September Sept. 2015 Districts submit evidence of correction for noncompliance until 100% compliant Districts begin working on 15-16 PCR ODE populates reports for B 4, 5, 9, 10 with data and districts begin data analysis