Continuous Professional Development of Teachers and Trainers


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Presentation transcript:

Continuous Professional Development of Teachers and Trainers Dublin, 22nd March –25th March 2011 Group Number: 214 Marilena Beltramini Teacher at Liceo Scientifico Albert Einstein ISIS Malignani Cervignano del Friuli UDINE ITALY

THE PLACE I LIVE AND WORK Friuli Venezia Giulia in the North East of Italy

MY PROFILE Graduated in Foreign Languages at UDINE University Qualified teacher of English (Middle and High School) Won Permanent position at Liceo Scientifico “Albert Einstein” Since 2000 in charge of Teacher Training Planning and Support for the 6 Institutes of ISIS Malignani Won teacher selection for the implementation of school autonomy at Regional School Office of FVG in Trieste Master in Open Distance Learning UDINE University Master Eurocultures (network of European universities) Teacher at SSIS of UDINE’s University (SSIS – Specialization School for Secondary School Teaching) Supervisor at SSIS (UDINE University ) (Specialization School for Secondary School Teaching)

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES IN TEACHERS TRAINING Teacher at Liceo scientifico (general upper secondary school specialising in scientific studiesl) since 1986 Teacher Trainer for the qualification and selection of teachers of middle and high school (Province Level) Teacher trainer for In-service and initial teachers – subject specific area (Provincial and Regional Level) Teacher operating for School Autonomy at Regional level (committed in the area of Integrated Training, Languages and European Project Work) In charge of ISIS Teachers Training Project – Research – Innovation (Funzione Strumentale “Area Sostegno al Lavoro dei docenti – Role incharge of teachers’ work support)

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES IN TEACHERS TRAINING I Trainer for teachers’ training courses in different areas Using the Multimedia in Teaching – local project Citizenship Competences Education – national project - MIUR ITALY The European Dimension in Education – interregional and national level Vertical Curriculum Module Design – local project CLIL practices, Forum Moderator – provincial and regional level Etutor for FOR virtual learning environment for teachers – national project - MIUR ITALY Novice teachers – provincial and regional level Coordinator of National Teacher Workshops for Ministry of Education MIUR (area of Citizenship, The European Dimension and LLL) Moderator in European Study Visit CLIL across Europe for an Innovative Intercultural Knowledge & Understanding (Into the core of CLIL good practices) Member of project group committed in the internationalization of curriculum Growing Innovation for Teaching. Enhancing action competences for the professional development of teachers’ trainers (VETPRO) for ANFIS (National Association of Trainers and Teachers Supervisors. Qualified subject for teachers training)

THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM IN BRIEF AND ONGOING REFORM Pre-primary Education Nursery schools - Scuola dell’Infanzia not compulsory - free of charge Age 3-6 Families are asked to pay a sum for transport and canteen services. Families with low incomes are exempted Compulsory Education Education is compulsory from 6 up to 16 years of age. The right/duty to education and training for at least 12 years is fulfilled within the education system or up to the obtainment of a three-year vocational qualification (either at school or in the initial vocational training system) before reaching 18 years of age. The Constitution establishes that education is compulsory up to 14 years of age. The length of compulsory education has been prolonged up to 16 years of age in school year 2007/08, according to the Financial law for the year 2007. Special Needs = students with special needs are integrated into mainstream education and special support is provided. Abridged from Eurydice

FIRST CYCLE OF EDUCATION Primary school Scuola primaria Teachers are generalist Age 6-11 Lower secondary school Scuola secondaria di primo grado teachers are specialist in one or more subjects Age 11-14 SECOND CYCLE OF EDUCATION Secondo ciclo di istruzione within post-compulsory education Age 14-16 CURRICULUM CONTROL AND CONTENT 2004 National Guidelines (Indicazioni nazionali per i piani personalizzati delle attività educative) together with Guidelines for the Curriculum (Indicazioni per il curricolo per la scuola dell’infanzia e per il primo ciclo di istruzione), issued in 2007 and introduced on an experimental basis in school year 2007/08 and school year 2008/09. In the next three school years (until 2011/12) the activities carried out by the schools will be monitored. On completion of the first cycle of education, students take a state examination. The certificate is required to be admitted to the upper secondary education level. Abridged from Eurydice

SECOND CYCLE OF EDUCATION WITHIN POST-COMPULSORY EDUCATION POST- COMPULSORY EDUCATION/UPPER SECONDARY AND POST-SECONDARY LEVEL and THE ONGOING REFORM The upper secondary level of education is called 'second cycle of education' (secondo ciclo di istruzione). It is made up of the upper secondary school (called scuola secondaria di secondo grado) falling under the responsibility of the State and offered by the licei, the technical institutes and the vocational institutes. Also there is the vocational and training system falling under the responsibility of the Regions and offered by the recognized formative agencies operating nationwide TYPES OF EDUCATION SECOND CYCLE OF EDUCATION WITHIN POST-COMPULSORY EDUCATION Liceo classico - general upper secondary school specialising (GUSS) in classical studies Liceo scientifico - (GUSS) in scientific studies) Liceo linguistico - (GUSS) in foreign languages Liceo delle scienze umane - (GUSS) in human sciences Liceo musicale e coreutico - (GUSS) in music and dance Liceo artistico - (GUSS) in arts subjects National guide for nuovi licei Abridged from Eurydice Age (14) 16-19

TYPES OF EDUCATION - SECOND CYCLE OF EDUCATION WITHIN POST- COMPULSORY EDUCATION Technical school Istituto tecnico Age (14) 16-19 Vocational school Istituto professionale Initial vocational training Formazione professionale di base Age (14) 16-17 Higher technical education and training system Istruzione e formazione tecnica superiore Age 19-21 ADMISSIONS CRITERIA Holders of the certificate of the first cycle of education, obtained after having successfully passed the first cycle leaving examination, may enter the second cycle of education. Enrolment and attendance are not free of charge. However, fees are modest and the amount is fixed at central level. Students enrolled at the first, second and third year of the second cycle are exempted from paying, as they are still fulfilling the right/duty to education. Students are free to choose the school, within the limits of available posts. National guides for nuovi tecnici and nuovi professionali Abridged from Eurydice

ITALIAN Ministry of Education, University and Research SCHOOL central level regional and provincial education offices work at local level responsibilities may be delegated to the provinces and municipalities. Schools are granted autonomy in teaching, organizing and research, experimentation and development. Law no. 59 of 15 March 1997 and subsequent implementation decree (DPR 275/1999) 2004 institution of INVALSI the National service for the evaluation of the education and training system UNIVERSITY Universities have gradually gained administrative, financial and accounting autonomy. In 2008 institution of ANVUR for the evaluation of the university and research system  carried out by the National agency for the evaluation of the university and research system. Abridged from Eurydice

ITALIAN TEACHER TRAINING. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OLD TRADITIONAL MODEL* – Public CONCORSI (qualification and selection for permanent positions) Model referring to most of today’s permanent teachers *** ***Image

TEACHER TRAINING SYSTEM. THE SSIS MODEL RECENT MODEL – SSIS Specialization School for Secondary School Teaching. Initial teachers training = 6 years  4 years university + 2 SSIS years active from academic year 1999-2000 to two years ago Curriculum = theory + practice (university lessons + laboratory + practice training)  qualified Secondary School Teachers ***Image

TEACHER TRAINING SYSTEM. THE NEW MODEL ONCOMING MODEL following latest school reform NOT YET ACTIVE Initial teachers training = 3 years + 2 years university + 1 year ACTIVE PRACTICE TRAINING Tirocinio formativo attivo (Tfa) Training depends on an inter- universities direct school involvement: the School Regional Office responsible for access planning and distribution of trainees to the different school institutions on the territory READ FULL TEXT

HOW CAN YOU BECOME A TEACHER THEN? AT PRESENT teachers must hold at pre-primary and primary level  a university Laurea in primary education sciences at secondary level  a Laurea magistrale + until 2007/08  complete a 2-year specialisation course at SSIS: the Specialisation school for teaching at secondary level - Scuola di specializzazione per l’insegnamento secondario. Access to SSIS courses has now been suspended. Primary school teachers are generalist teachers, but are responsible for a specific subject area. Secondary school teachers are specialist teachers. All teachers are civil servants.

REGULATION  WHAT IS NEW ? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS AND TRAINERS REGULATION OF 10 SEPTEMBER 2010 MAIN POINTS introduction of one-year practical training at school to be carried out after attainment of Laurea magistrale planning of the number of new teachers according to the requirements  to prevent teachers' temporary employment  serious problem in Italy admission to degree courses for prospective teachers will take place upon a selection based on the requirements of the national education system specific degrees for teaching qualifications in the various subjects. REGULATION  WHAT IS NEW ?  Languge competence (CEFR B2) + ICT competence (2006/962/EC) + a better qualification for integration of disabled students. The reform of initial teacher training and teacher recruitment system, is supposed to be implemented starting from school year 2011/12.

BECOMING A PERMANENT TEACHER INITIAL TRAINING AND INDUCTION A Permanent teacher position requires  following compulsory training (Legislation 270/1982). The probationary period “Anno di Prova” 180 days’ teaching being assigned a tutor ensuring support throughout teaching activities following a one-year compulsory training course (art. 440. D. Leg.297/199)  a 40 hour-blended course (20+20) supported by an etutor for online activities (virtual learning platform VLE) provided by the National Agency for School Autonomy (ANSAS) writing a a report on didactic experiences carried out during teaching activities evaluation of the report by an Evaluation Commitee composed of 4 members – experienced teachers and by the headmaster

THE CPD MODEL In-service Training STEPS OF A TRAINING PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Collecting teachers’ needs (questionnaire) Data Processing Presentation of results at teachers’ second annual meeting Proposal of training courses implementation with reference to priorities expressed by teachers Circular letter to ISIS and network of school in the area inviting participation to courses singled out Courses implementation Monitoring Presentation of monitoring results at final school year teachers meeting AN EXAMPLE

REFLECTING ON MY EXPERIENCES AS TRAINER What makes training non-attractive and the work of a trainer difficult? Teachers’ low level of motivation (training is voluntary-based, professionally non recognized and economically non-funde, time demanding, challanging …) Too many training offers from different sources without a structured policy, hierarchy or range of priorities Difficulty in designing a training plan concretely responding to the needs of a school or institution Teachers’ contrasting attitudes: enthusiasum versus skepticism in front of a complex and demanding society Very rare recognition of professional merits and sense of isolation High number of teachers that drop out courses along the process Experimentation in the class context is time demanding Teachers are often worried about the development of curriculum especially in final classes Fear and skepticism in experimenting new techniques (case study, webquest, simulations, project work, competence-based leraning units, using multimedia formats, etc,..) Most teachers are middle aged and do not feel at ease with ICT Transmissive forms of training and lack of adequate equipment

REFLECTING ON MY EXPERIENCES AS TRAINER I What makes teachers training successful? Curiosity and enthusiasm towards innovation Responding to individual needs (labour market included) Willingness to experimentation and action research Positive attitude to ICT supported learning and teaching practices Learning by doing Laboratory practices (competence-based units) Taking part in Project Work, EU projects, Regional and Local Initiatives Positive student-teacher relationship An intercultural, multilingual, inclusive mission Wealth of materials (also in mobile learning formats) Feasibility of roles Readiness to self-evaluation and to put oneself to test Blended formats Community Learning Recognition and acceptance of one’s mistakes Positive attitude to difficulties Curiosity towards learning from colleagues Decent level of self esteem Desire to go in depth in both theory and practice

FOR A POSITIVE TRAINING EXPERIENCE … Good policies Definition of priorities Shared planning Awareness of trainees’ previous experiences Constructivist approaches Social networking Virtual Learning Platforms Curious attitude to cooperative learning Accepting mistakes Learning through laboratory practice Collaborative and cooperative practices Experimentation of roles Action research Monitoring Reflection on process and products and eventual process re-definition Blended formats Suitable tools and equipment Life long learning attitude Assessment Evaluation and self evaluation Certification and recognition Quality control

SUCCESSFUL TRAINING IS … CREATING OPPORTUNITIES To meet To promote (personal and professional assessment, life-long learning attitudes, structured policies, inclusion ) To share (experiences, emootions, fears, ideas, institution inter-connections, practices, …) To reflect To collaborate and cooperate To create learning communities To create materials to be tested in class contexts To experience a sense of belonging To create positive relationships To learn how to meet the other To learn how to de-center oneself To experiment critical thinking and problem solving To create and support team-work To change To improve our learning and teaching environment A few products from some of my inservice- training courses The Sense of Rules Learning about America

A REFLECTION TO SHARE “My personally built culture has never closed on itself, I built it starting from everybody’s problems, with my attitudes, with my curiosity. I did not build it by accumulation, but gained it thanks to the diversity and multiplicity of approaches; not by summing, but by unveiling the strategic cognitive nodes there, where, that which is divided blends together: so that anyone – that is everyone, but I myself in the first place - could avoid the blindness of fragmentation and the ignorance caused by disciplinary boundaries.” E. Morin