2 Days National Workshop on “National Building Code of India 2016 ” Bureau of Indian Standards Jointly with Institution of Engineers (India) – Himachal Pradesh 7th and 8th June 2018 NBC Part 9 – Plumbing Services
The Code was first published in 1970. The last revision of the Code was in 2005 and it adopted major aspects towards water conservation, use of reclaimed water for non potable uses, rain water harvesting and other requirements towards efficient and safe Plumbing Services. Further to which, National Building Code of India 2016 Was released on 15th March 2017; and appears in Volume 2 (Group 1) of the NBC 2016 . The Part 9 of the code is improvised to include new systems, updating the soil, waste, vent and rain water system and more information towards comprehensive design aspects with moreover new and detailed sketches.
The Changes and Revision Section 1 – Water Supply Provisions on water supply requirements for buildings have been related to the estimated occupancy in the chosen type of building. Table 1 on water requirements for buildings other than residences has been updated with respect to type of buildings and it now also includes domestic and flushing requirements separately. Water demand for landscaping purposes has been included. Requirements related to treatment of waste water and usage of recycled waste water have been included. Provisions have been included for protection of water supply by avoiding cross-connection between treated and raw water supplies and back flow prevention, and securing identification of non-potable water supply pipes. List of materials used to manufacture pipes has been updated. General requirements for design of distribution systems have been included. Table 2 on fixture unit for different types of fixtures has been updated. Table 3 on probable simultaneous demand has been updated with demand values included various intermediate and up to 10 000 fixture units, along with graphs for probable demand. Maximum flow rate and flush volumes have been included.
The Changes and Revision Section 1 – Water Supply Provisions related to inadequate and excessive water pressure have been included. Guidance on water hammer effects have been included. Provisions for distribution systems in multi-storeyed buildings have been updated along with illustrations therefor. Provisions related to zoning of distribution systems have been included. Hot water supply systems have been included under the existing clause on hot water supply installations. Detailed provisions related to swimming pools have been included. Guidance on allowance for expansion of water pipes have been included. A new clause on colour coding for different types of water pipes has been included. Provisions have been reviewed and updated from the point of view of accessibility by elderly and persons with disabilities, also, in this context, duly giving cross-reference to 13 of Part 3 ‘Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements’. Certain terminologies have been included and some have been updated. Cross-references to Indian Standards have been updated.
The Changes and Revision Section 1 – Water Supply Occupancy Calculation
Section 1 – Water Supply Water Requirement towards Domestic and Flushing
Section 1 – Water Supply – Pressure Consideration and Reclaimed Water Use
Section 1 – Water Supply – Grey and Black Water Treatment Plants
Section 1 – Water Supply – Cross Connection Control and Tagging/ Identification
Section 1 – Water Supply – Water Efficiency and Approach towards Low Flow Fixtures
Section 1 – Water Supply – Water Supply and Distribution
Section 1 – Water Supply – Water Distribution and Zoning
Section 1 – Water Supply – Hot Water Systems
Section 1 – Water Supply – Swimming Pool Aspect of Pool Sizes, Dimensions, Water Depths, Electrical Safety, Water Treatment, Balancing Tank, Filtration have been covered in detail.
Section 1 – Water Supply – Identification/ Color Coding
Aspects of Water Supply in Sub-Zero Temperature Ranges
The Changes and Revision Section 2 – Drainage and Sanitation Various tables on the requirements for fitments for drainage and sanitation for various occupancies have been updated, and a new table for shopping malls and retail buildings has been included. Enabling provisions for use of corrugated pipes, low noise pipes and under slung pipes have been included. Information about bio-toilets has been added. Typical mounting arrangements for various plumbing fixtures, including drainage systems and ventilation have been illustrated. A new table for calculation of single stack sizing has been included. Various additional requirements relating to layout of drainage and sanitation system have been added. Venting system for high rise buildings, along with a comprehensive table on size and developed length of stack vents and vent stacks, has been included. General provisions on design of drainage pipes have been elaborated. Provisions relating to gradients of drainage pipes have been elaborated. The table on fixture unit for different types of fixtures has been updated. The tables on maximum number of fixture units that can be connected to branches and stacks, and to building drains and sewers, have been updated.
The Changes and Revision Section 2 – Drainage and Sanitation New provisions on design requirement for high rise buildings drainage system have been included. The minimum diameter for floor drains outlets before connecting to floor trap has been included. Provisions related to manhole covers and recommended locations have been included. Provision for estimation of storm water runoff and coefficient of runoff for various surfaces have been included. The table on sizing of rainwater pipes for roof drainage has been updated. The illustration on artificial ground water recharge structure has been detailed. Guidelines relating to siphonic drainage system for large roofs have been included. Provisions on rainwater harvesting for plotted/group housing developments and deep well/bore well recharging, have been included. Clarifications and recommendations on use of septic tanks have been made. New provisions related to pumping and treatment of sewage have been included. A provision on treatment of waste water and usage of recycled water has been included through cross reference to Section 1 ‘Water supply’ of this Part of the Code. Provisions have been reviewed and updated from the point of view of accessibility by elderly and persons with disabilities, also, in this context, duly giving cross-reference to 13 of Part 3 ‘Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements’ of the Code. Certain terminologies have been included and some have been updated. Cross-referred standards have been updated. Guidance on water hammer effects have been included.
Section 2 – Drainage and Sanitation – Stack System
Section 2 – Drainage and Sanitation – Stack System
Section 2 – Drainage and Sanitation – Stack System A Two Pipe System with Common Soil and Waste Vent or with Independent Soil and Waste Vent. This system provides maximum flexibility and the governing safeguards are not severe
Section 2 – Drainage and Sanitation – Design Approach
Section 2 – Drainage and Sanitation – Vent Sizing
Section 2 – Drainage and Sanitation – DFU Design Approach Modified DFU Fixture Table and Pipe Sizing helps in design of complex and large projects.
Section 2 – Drainage and Sanitation – Vent Sizing
Aspects of Waste Disposal in Sub-Zero Temperature Ranges
Other aspects of Manhole Design, Manhole Depths, Storm Water Drainage, Rain Water Harvesting, Inspection, Testing, Maintenance, Sewage Treatment Plants and additional drawings and sketches are included in the Section 2 of Part 9, the significant aspects on Stacks (Soil, Waste, Vent and Rain Water) are much detailed and engineered for large and complex projects. Readers and Users are encouraged to review and also provide their inputs towards their experiences and aligned approach to international codes, their specific inputs towards improvisation based on local practices.