1-Low 2-Moderate 3-High Endurance-Is this a life skill? Leverage-Does this skill impact other content areas? Readiness- Is this skill important for the next unit/level/grade? Tested-Is this skill tested or is testing data weak for this skill?
Endurance Leverage Readiness Tested 3=Skill or knowledge of lifelong value 3=Contains knowledge and skills that are of value across several subjects 3=A necessary prerequisite for the next grade level 3=Is tested at a high rigor rate on multiple measures or is a low indicator on assessments 2=Skill or knowledge that is valuable throughout school 2= Contains knowledge and skills that are of value across topics in one subject 2=A necessary prerequisite within the grade level 2= Is tested on multiple measures or is a low indicator on assessments 1=Skill or knowledge that is valuable only until tested 1=Contains knowledge and skills that are of value across one topic area in one subject 1=Not a barrier to moving on at this point; students can still get it down the line 1=Is tested in limited subjects at limited times 0-Skill or knowledge has no endurance 0=Provides no leverage 0=A stand alone skill or fact; not a prerequisite 0=Is not assessed.