AIR EMISSIONS ACCOUNTS Compilation tools Nuno Miguel dos Santos Baptista
Auxiliary data CLRTAP (Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution) data EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) data UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) data Correspondence matrices: CRF-NACE (for CO2, CH4 and N2O) NFR-NACE NFR-NACE_NOx NFR-NACE_SOx NFR-NACE_NH3 NFR-NACE_CO NFR-NACE_NMVOC
Correspondence matrices CRF/NFR codes (UNFCCC/CLRTAP) Conversion factors NACE codes (AEA) B = … + (“1 B 1 a” * 1) + (“1 B 2 a i” * 1) + (“1 B 2 b” * 0.2438) + (“1 B 2 c” * 0.25086) + …
Estimation procedure for Greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) UNFCCC data Macro “UNFCCC/ CLRTAP to AEA” CRF-NFR correspondence table Filled “artificial questionnaire” Macro “Adjust Totals” If “Total reported to UNFCCC” differs from “Total AEA” Final “artificial questionnaire”
Estimation procedure for other pollutants (NOx, SO2, NH3, NMVOC, CO) CLRTAP data Macro “UNFCCC to AEA” Macro “UNFCCC/ CLRTAP to AEA” Correspondence matrix for the pollutant Filled “artificial questionnaire” Macro “Fill empty columns” If year is missing EMEP total Macro “Fill empty pollutant sheet” If pollutant is missing EMEP total CLRTAP data for similar country Macro “When Widely Differ” If “Total reported to CLRTAP” differs 10% from EMEP total EMEP total Macro “Adjust Totals” If “Total reported to CLRTAP” differs from “Total AEA” Final “artificial questionnaire”
Thank you!