Race to the Top – Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) Project Update Public Education Department Matthew Goodlaw - Chief Information Officer Kate Cleary - Project Manager Children, Youth and Families Division Irene Luettgen - Chief Information Officer Melissa Barela - Project Manager Department of Health Terry Reusser - Chief Information Officer Marc Kolman – Deputy Director Kim Price - Project Manager New Mexico Public Education Department November 13, 2018
Race to the Top – Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) Project New Mexico’s Race to the Top Early Childhood Integrated Data System(ECIDS) is a collaborative project between the Public Education Department (PED), Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD), and the Department of Health (DOH). All three agencies are involved in the design of this system but PED will be responsible for its development and implementation. Purpose: To create a data system to allow the integration of data from multiple early childhood data systems that reside at PED, CYFD, and DOH: STARS, NM PreK, Home Visiting, Child Care, FIT, FOCUS-TQRIS
Goals To ensure that every child in New Mexico will have an equal opportunity for success in school based upon equitable access to an aligned and high quality early learning data system. Historically, efforts to analyze data across agencies relied on manual data pulls and matching processes. To assist agency staff in making policy decisions and to track the efficacy of early learning programs as evidenced by the longitudinal tracking of child outcomes.
Accomplishments Created a unique identifier for people (children and staff) and organizations to eliminate manual matching. Created an integrated data system to allow aligned data to flow between agencies to the Data Warehouse in an automated and secure way. Created a data collection system to record information related to the administration of the Early Childhood Observations for Pre-K and Kindergarten students that was developed as a part of the RTT-ELC grant. Created draft dashboard that will provide meaningful access to the combined data, including displays based on geographic locations (geocoding) for stakeholders including PED, DOH, and CYFD Early Childhood specialists and analysts, legislators, and additional Early Childhood organizations. Person records loaded to date into ECIDS Complete Data Warehouse: Staff - 38,486 Child – 334,952
ECIDS PED Status Update 2012 to 2017 data loaded (Five years of data) Staff dedicated to developing queries for validation of data Passed 2018 submissions into Unique Identification (UID) system and loaded into prod Ready to load 2018 participant sets of data through batch process into ECIDS Prod. Using JMP software, to visualize data against Learning tapestry reports E-Scholar maintenance and support proposal (includes technical assistance for DOH and CYFD)
ECIDS CYFD Status Update 2012 to 2017 data loaded (Five years of data) Validating loaded data Reviewing data loading process and applications for any changes required due to new database, EPICS Preparing files for 2018 for submission to Unique ID system for ID assignment Preparing files for data submission to warehouse
ECIDS DOH Status Update Project Activities To-Date November 2015 – September 2016 Completed project management kickoff, ongoing project management, enhancements design and implementation March – May 2017 Migrated FIT-KIDS to new hosting contract (RESPEC) when Maximus contract expired and negotiations failed July – October 2017 Contract processed for RESPEC ECIDS Enhancements October – December 2017 Implemented ECIDS data field enhancements and mapping activities with new hosting vendor (RESPEC) and submitted SFY16 data January – April 2018 Submitted historic data files to ECIDS through SFY17 Planned Activities Validation of FIT-KIDS data in the ECIDS test environment Submit SFY18 forward files to ECIDS production
ECIDS DOH Status Update Timeline
ECIDS DOH FIT-KIDS Status Update Project Budget & Expenditures Appropriated Funds: $488,154 Certified Funds: $439,703 Maximus Contract: $330,444 IV&V Contract: $ 25,267 RESPEC Contract: $ 83,992 Total Project Value: $439,703 Total Expenditure: $439,703
ECIDS Project PED Budget Certifications and Expenditures Appropriated Funds: $2,061,076 Certifications Date Amount Funding Source September, 2014 $327,392.00 Federal (Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge Grant) January, 2016 $1,733,684 Federal (Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Grant) Total $2,061,076 Expenditures Personnel $ 571,784 Software Planning & Design $ 39,996 Execute & Deploy $ 736,992 Project Management Services $ 171,156 IV & V $ 70,000 Hardware $ 93,975 Total $ 1,683,903
Next Steps Coordinate Data Validation Validate reports are working correctly Develop way to maintain and develop reports going forward Determine what tools will be used to present the data and access the data Develop schedule for regular data feeds from sources Reinstitute Governance Committee Analyze if we are asking the right questions with business users Define ECIDS audience for policy decisions Determine operational budget
Timeline: One-Three-Six Month Plan Month 1: (Started mid-September) PED to meet with CYFD and DOH project personnel to lay out the steps required by each agency to complete the tasks remaining to implementation. PED to meet with technical staff from each agency to train staff to submit and validate data from select sources covering the time period up to June 30, 2018 into a TEST environment. PED to meet with primary stakeholders to review the ECIDS Dashboard.
Timeline: One-Three-Six Month Plan End of Month 3: PED will have met with each agency to assist in addressing data issues and data loading issues and complete the process of loading data from additional source systems into the TEST environment. PED will have met with each agency to assist in with loading previously tested source data into the PRODUCTION environment. PED will continue to review and revise the ECIDS Dashboard.
Timeline: One-Three-Six Month Plan End of Month 6: All agencies will have succeeded in submitting data covering the period through June 30, 2018, from all source systems involved, into the PRODUCTION data warehouse, and validating the accuracy of that data. The ECIDS Dashboard will be ready to go live. The estimated date for the Project Closeout is February, 2019.
Timeline: One-Three-Six Month Plan