Ms. Watson’s ELA Classroom Procedures
The First Five August 9, 2017 Agenda Message: Get your ELA syllabus signed by a parent/guardian and return it to Ms. Watson for a homework grade by Friday. Bring a composition notebook for ELA by Monday.
Think-Pair-Share Today’s Warm-up What are your expectations for learning in Ms. Watson’s classroom this year?
Arrival to ELA Procedures When you arrive to our class, I will greet you in the hallway. Our class will quietly line up beside the lockers outside of Ms. Watson’s classroom, and we will enter class together. When you enter the classroom, please go to your assigned desk and sit down. Prepare yourself for ELA class by following The First Five procedures.
The First Five
The First Five Learning begins when you enter our classroom. Quietly enter class… Sit in your assigned desk Write down your agenda message Turn in last night’s homework (if assigned) Sharpen pencil and do the Warm-up assignment
Classroom Procedures VISITORS: When someone comes to the door, you are expected to remain seated and work quietly until I can return to assisting the class. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Whenever announcements are being made, everyone will need to be absolutely quiet so all may hear what is being said. If someone calls into the classroom on the intercom or by phone, only the teacher is to respond. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS: When I am absent, all classroom procedures are to be followed as usual. Assigned work will be checked upon my return. I expect the substitute to be treated with the utmost respect and I will promptly deal with any misbehavior upon my return. FIRE ALARM: Remain calm and quiet. Stand up and line up at the door. Head towards our designated exit. Shut the door if you are the last person out of the room. Be sure to stay in a straight line because other classes will be evacuating at the same time. Remain with our class at all times. I will check the classroom roster on the field.
Class Procedures DISMISSAL: Please remain seated until the bell rings. The teacher, not the bell, dismisses the class. Do not pack up until told to do so. CLASSROOM RULES: 1. Be prepared 2. Produce excellent work 3. Make good choices 4. Take responsibility 5. Be polite
ELA Supply List Pencils Blue or Black Ink Pens Notebook Paper Composition Book Glue Sticks Highlighters
Non-Negotiables for Class A positive attitude is the key to success, so bring it with you everyday. Students should go to the restroom, their locker, and get a drink of water during the designated times before class. All hall passes MUST be written in your student agenda. No gum, candy, food, nor drinks allowed in room B104. Bring your student agenda and your required supplies to ELA class each day. Follow each part of “The First Five.” Be Respectful to your teacher and classmates.
The Student Center
Composition Notebook Area
Neat & Orderly Classroom
Absences/Make-up Work It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what work you missed, make it up, and turn it in to Ms. Watson. Students will receive a grade for completing make-up work after an absence. Students will be given as many days as he/she was absent from that class to make up assignments and assessments.
Teacher Contact Information Email: ELA Webpage: Work Telephone: (770) 651-5851
Join Ms. Watson’s Remind Group Remind – text or e-mail reminders
ELA Writing Expectations To write formal and informal pieces of various genres. To follow the writing process from pre-write to final draft form (when required). To make a sincere effort to improve your writing through revision. To edit final drafts carefully for grammar and spelling errors. To meet writing deadlines. Students will receive rubrics with specific assignment expectations and timelines.
Classroom Procedures Quiz Clear off your desk, except for a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil Title your paper: Classroom Procedures Quiz Number your paper to five
Classroom Procedures Quiz How many days do you have to make up your work, after an absence? What is Ms. Watson’s expectations for student behavior when a visitor enters the classroom? What are the seven required supplies that you are expected to bring to this class each day? Who dismisses you from class? What are the five steps listed in The First Five procedures?