Source Literacy – Logical Argument, Detecting Bias, Etc. O. G. T. Review
source /sôrs/ Noun A place, person, or thing (information) from which something comes or can be obtained. Examples: newspaper article, picture, eyewitness testimony, letter, video, etc.
bi·as /ˈbīəs/ Noun Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. Example: A “news story” put out by a political party or one of their supporters that makes the party or its candidate look good and/or the other party look bad.
ster·e·o·type /ˈsterēəˌtīp/ Noun A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing: "sexual and racial stereotypes". Stereotypes are usually based on a small truth, but applied (usually incorrectly) to a whole group.
You could also call this an “argument” or a “main claim.” the·sis /ˈTHēsis/ Noun A statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved: "can you support your thesis?". You could also call this an “argument” or a “main claim.”
Ideally, one wants to gather information from sources that are both credible and reliable. A reliable source is dependable and accurate. A credible source gives information that matches known facts, and is believable.
Rank these sources of historical information from least to most factual: An editorial in a major national newspaper. A news article in a major national newspaper. A book by a history professor at a university. A blog entry found on a website.
Evaluate the reliability and credibility of each: An eyewitness account of a crime told in court An article about a crime in a well established newspaper The story you heard at lunch about a crime A police report of a crime An account of a crime presented on a website that is hosted by the brother of the accused