RESULTS December 2017 Global National Webinar Staying in Action on GPE through Replenishment 2018, or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806. Closed captioning:
Welcome from Joanne Carter Executive Director, RESULTS RESULTS National Webinar
RESULTS National Webinar Introducing Our Guest Speakers Amanda Beals Global Grassroots Expansion Manager Ken Patterson Director of Global Poverty Advocacy RESULTS National Webinar
RESULTS National Webinar Alice Aluoch RESULTS Global Health Organizer RESULTS Wilmington, DE Founder, Mfariji Africa RESULTS National Webinar
RESULTS National Webinar Rachel Azanlek-Akouete, RN Group Leader RESULTS Madison, WI RESULTS National Webinar
RESULTS National Webinar Mariama Thera RESULTS Northern VA Founder, Baobab Learning RESULTS National Webinar
Want to Ask a Question or Share a Comment? RESULTS National Webinar Unmute your line on your computer by clicking in Fuze Press *1 on your phone Type your question in the Chat Window in Fuze If you are not sharing, please stay muted. RESULTS National Webinar
RESULTS National Webinar John Fawcett Director, Global Policy and Advocacy Phone: (202) 783-7100 RESULTS National Webinar
Global Partnership for Education House GPE Resolution (H.Res.466) 74 cosponsors (with 20 Republicans Goal: 150 cosponsors, with at least 50 Republicans Senate GPE Resolution
FY18 Appropriations Update Account FY17 Enacted FY18 RESULTS’ Request FY18 President’s Request FY18 House FY18 Senate Maternal and Child Health $814.5 million $900 million $749.6 million $829 million of which Gavi $275 million $290 million Nutrition $125 million $250 million $78.5 million Global Fund $1.35 billion $1.475 billion $1.125 billion Tuberculosis $241 million $450 million $178.4 million $261 million Basic Education $800 million $925 million $378 million $500 million of which GPE $75 million unknown $87.5 million $75 million
RESULTS National Webinar Grassroots Café Ken Patterson Director of Global Poverty Advocacy Email: Phone: (828) 398-4562 RESULTS National Webinar
Don’t Stop Meeting on GPE! RESULTS National Webinar Reported Through November: 162 Face-to-Face meetings with Reps. 53 Face-to-Face meetings with Senators 266 meetings with House aides 188 meetings with Senate aides Total = 669 congressional meetings overall 95% of Groups or Groups in development met with a MoC or staff member so far! RESULTS National Webinar
Don’t Stop Writing on GPE! RESULTS National Webinar Reported Through November: 2 Editorials 27 Opeds 285 LTEs 56 Other 375 Pieces of Media! 72% of Groups or Groups in development generated media RESULTS National Webinar
Don’t Stop Writing on GPE! RESULTS National Webinar
Don’t Stop Engaging on GPE! RESULTS National Webinar Reported Through November: 322 outreach activities reported so far! 71% of groups or groups in development have reported doing outreach in 2017 We set a goal of 500 outreach activities. Can we get to 500 and 100% of groups this year? RESULTS National Webinar
RESULTS National Webinar ___________________ Report Just an Outreach Activity: Report Just a Lobby Meeting: Report Just a Media Piece: RESULTS National Webinar
2018 Is a Year of Engagement Thousands of individualized letters in first half of 2018 International Conference in July Election Engagement second half of 2018 RESULTS National Webinar
RESULTS National Webinar Calendar Items Congressional Winter Recess: Officially starting December 15, though will likely be delayed. Final RESULTS Introductory Call: December 15, 1 pm ET 2018 Group Planning Materials Available (Tentative): December 22 RESULTS Office Holiday Closure: December 25-January 1 First National Webinar of 2018: Saturday, January 13 with Mark Dybul as our guest speaker! Your Group Planning Date: January 13?? International Conference: July 14-17 RESULTS National Webinar
RESULTS National Webinar
The next step? Donate by December 31to help us meet the match! 10 people have stepped forward with gifts of $10,000 each in 2017 to create a $100,000 matching pool that launched at the International Conference. The next step? Donate by December 31to help us meet the match! Donate today!
Finishing Strong on GPE Means Staying in Action! Mark Campbell Global Health Associate Email: RESULTS National Webinar
RESULTS National Webinar How many people from your group joined in today’s webinar? Let us know your numbers directly - send to Lisa Marchal Senior Associate, Global Grassroots RESULTS National Webinar