European & U.S. pressure in asia
Reason & areas of control by 1895 Trade increased economic benefits Britain India and Burma Spain Philippines Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia) France Indochina (Vietnam, Kampuchea, & Laos)
Central Asia 1865-1876 Russia took Central Asia Lands given to Russian farmers Nomads faced starvation Large growing Muslim population but did not attempt to change local customs Railroads built
Southeast asia & Indonesia Until mid-1800s, mostly independent kingdoms Fertile soil, warm climate, rain, great irrigation, & terracing Rubber Burma gradually taken over by British Indochina fell to the French Dutch took East Indies Only Siam (Thailand) remained independent Benefits of colonial rule—peace & reliable food supply Europeans not successful in Christian conversion
Hawaii & Philippines U.S. looking for more markets 1878 U.S. obtained Samoa & Pearl Harbor as naval bases Settlers then defeated Queen of Hawaii; seen as stepping stone to Asia Farmers imported from Japan 1896 nationalist movement in Philippines declared it free from Spain U.S. went to war with Spain over Cuba & won U.S. paid $20 million for Philippines U.S. put down rebellions & implemented public works projects to subdue the people—roads, harbors, railroads 1916 – U.S. promised full independence in 30 years