Welcome to Orchestra Ms. Hickey, Orchestra Teacher samantha.hickey@novik12.org Novimsorchestra.weebly.com Lots of info on website: calendar, handbook, and more! Twitter: @NoviMSorchestra Remind: Text @f9e72h2 to 81010
Fall Class Goals Strive toward musical excellence through…. Professional quality classes/rehearsals Developing and building upon quality fundamentals: posture, tone quality, bowing techniques, etc. Ensuring/reviewing accurate and automatic note and rhythm reading Increasing technical and rhythmic skills Basic and intermediate music theory skills Teamwork and creative thinking skills
Grade Distribution 20% Home Practice/Participation (5 days/week) 40% Assignments and Assessment 40% Concerts and Rehearsals
Practice Logs Info and first log next week 5 days/week Due on Mondays w/parent signature (grace period T-W, late penalty TH-F) Purpose: regular, thoughtful practice is the ONLY way to achieve substantial musical development
Concert Dates & Attendance See Orchestra Calendar Absence Policy: 3 weeks notice with email from parent Emergency: Contact director ASAP (24 hours) preferably through email Unexcused= lowered grade by no more than 1 letter
Concert Dress White Dress Shirt Black Dress Pants Black Socks Black Dress Shoes * No skirts, Athletic Pants, Leggings, Jeans, or Tennis Shoes *Improper dress = no participation in concert
Required Instrument Materials Violin/Viola: Instrument, bow, case, shoulder rest Recommended: rosin, tuner, metronome Cello/Bass Instrument, bow, case, rock stop/endpin strap Books: Not mandatory this year! Class: Black folder/binder, pencil, padlock for instrument storage (violin/viola)**
Other information VOLUNTEERING Paradise Park Solo & Ensemble @NMS (info coming soon) All-State Auditions (info soon to be distributed to students)