EUPAN – Troika Secretariat 11. Januar 2006 in Berlin DISPA Directors of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration Meeting 29.- 30. Mai 2007 Brühl Dr. Hans Kunsmann
Die Bundesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung im Bundesministerium des Innern in Brühl
Task and Mission of the Bundesakademie the ‘Federal Academy of Public Administration’, is the central agency for the in-service-training of the civil servants and employees of the Federal Government.
Facts about the Bundesakademie We organize: about 1300 training and information activities for about 20.000 Federal Civil Servants supported by some 800 external trainers and consultants coming from the administration Universities the private sector, consulting firms
DISPA Informal Working group All 25 member states are represented Different forms of organisation Governmental QANGOs, market driven 2 annual meetings following the changing presidencies Last meeting: Helsinki (HAUS)
objectives Exchange of experiences on Structures, organisational settings Financing models Contents, curricula, Implementation knowledge in administrative modernisation Project support for innovations „best practices“ joint bi- und multilateral seminars internships
Changing priority subjects i.e. Change management Competence model for public leadership in the EU Training/Coaching of top-level leaders
Actual themes How do MS prepare their leaders for the enlagred Europe? How do we support the integration process? Which new job profiles have been identified? Which competences are needed? Which training is therefor successful?
Status of the preparation for the DISPA-meeting may 07 Invitation done Preliminarian programme: 4 case studies of leadershiptraining: „Top-managers – How to lead change?“ Are minimal standards araising? Preparatory meeting with the outgoing presidency (Finnland) and the two following ones (Portugal, Slowenien, as well as ESA) on 29.1.07 in Brühl
Status of the preparation for the DISPA-meeting may 07 objectives: More participation in setting priority themes More continuity in work progress Consequent orientation towards results