Three Levels of Questioning Cinderella’s Tale: Focus on Diction
Level 1 Questions Recall questions. The answer is in the text; it is fact and can not be disputed. Denotation is most important. Example: Of what material were Cinderella’s shoes made? The author states that Cinderella’s shoes are made of glass. How did Cinderella get to the ball? Cinderella rode a pumpkin turned into a coach to get to the ball.
Level 2 Questions Analysis/Inference. Implicit or what is implied; analysis, ask how and why, require analysis of the text, reading between the lines, hidden meaning. Connotation in word choice becomes important and imparts meaning. Example: Why don't the step sisters like Cinderella? The author names the step sisters “evil” to act as a counterpoint to Cinderella’s “warm heart”. They are evil in action as well as internally, whereas she is warm and good inside and out. They see this in her and dislike her for it.
Level 3 Questions Synthesis. Go beyond the text and inquire into the value, importance, and application of the information presented. Diction creates the theme or motif of the piece. Example: Does a woman's salvation always lie with a man? Cinderella’s “Prince Charming” ends up saving her, and social expectation frequently suggests that men still need to save women. The author’s use of the name “Charming” to label the prince implies also that women only need a rescuer who can charm them. When one looks at modern women, such as political figures, women can and do rescue themselves.
Play to 21! Develop three questions, one for each Level of Questioning. Immediately, begin responding to classmates’ posted questions, focusing on how author’s diction contributes to your responses. Tally your team score according to point value. (Make sure to put your group name by your answer!) Level 1= 1 point Level 2= 3 points Level 3= 5 points First group to 21 points, wins!