Resting in God’s Providence, pt.1 Providence in Esther August 26, 2018 What is providence?
God’s Providence in Esther Why trust God’s providence? He is absolutely faithful (Lam 3:22-23; 1 Cor 1:9; Heb 10:23; 11:11) He is absolutely committed to His glory (Ps 115, Eph 1) He is absolutely a God of love (Psa 136; Hos 11; 1 John 4:8) He is absolutely sovereign—right, desire, power (Psa 103:19) He is absolutely holy (Isa 6; 1Peter 1:16; Rev 4:8) He is absolutely committed to conforming me to the image of Christ (Rom 8:28, 29)
Providence in Esther The Setting and Time of Esther The reason for the exile The place of the post-exile The people of the post-exile Esther Vashti Ahasuerus/Xerxes Mordecai Haman Zeresh The Court
Providence in Esther The Dating of Esther (between Ezra 6-7) 722 BC Assyrians conquer N. Kingdom and exile the people 586 Babylonians conquer S. Kingdom, destroy the temple, and exile the people 539 Cyrus of Persia conquers Babylon 538-535 Cyrus allows exiles to return (Ezr 1:1-4; cf. Jer 30:3)—First wave under Zerubbabel (Ezra 1-6) 486-464 Reign of Ahasuerus/Xerxes (Esther 1-10) 458 BC Second wave of exiles return under Ezra (Ezra 7-10) 444 BC Third wave of exiles return under Nehemiah (Nehemiah 2)
The timeline of Esther’s initial events Providence in Esther The timeline of Esther’s initial events From Esther: The Triumph of God’s Sovereignty by John C. Whitcomb
The timeline of Esther’s initial events Providence in Esther The timeline of Esther’s initial events 1:3—Vashti deposed in the 3rd year of Xerxes’ reign Xerxes’ Greek campaign—in part motivated by his father’s (Darius) defeat at Marathon (481 captured Athens, 479 the Greeks aligned themselves against Persia and defeated Xerxes) 2:12—Preparations of the women while in Greece 2:16—Esther as queen in the 7th year of his reign
Providence and The Canonicity of Esther It is questioned because of missing the following: Reference to God Reference to the Law Reference to the temple Reference to prayer (implied with fast) Reference to sacrifice Reference to priesthood Reference to Jerusalem Reference to the prophets It is questioned because of an emphasize on Pagan culture and Revenge It is questioned because of misunderstanding Providence It is questioned because of prejudice in Historical Data
Providence and the Persian Empire
Providence, Daniel’s Prophecy, and The Glory of Ahasuerus
Providential Reversal The Major Providential Act Chp 1-2 The Splendor of Ahasuerus Chp 10 The Splendor of Mordecai Chp 8:9-9:32 (cf.8:1-2) Mordecai’s exaltation Chp 3:1-2 Haman’s exaltation Chp 8:9-9:32 Mordecai’s saving plan (Purim est.) Chp 3:2-15 Haman’s vengeful plot (a Pur is cast) Chp 4 The plan to reverse Chp 8:3-8 The plea to reverse Chp 5 Banquet One—Haman’s pride fed Chp 7 Banquet Two—Haman’s pride shattered Chapter 6 The King’s lack of sleep, reading of the chronicles, and coming of Haman The Major Providential Act CAH 3/31/18