EPAN Troika Secretariat Meeting, 6 March 2006 Mobility of Researchers - Developing an Attractive European Research Area Roger Hessel, Lecturer European Training Centre for Social Affairs and Public Health Care (EIPA-CEFASS)
Agenda 2. Mobility of researchers 3. First conclusions for discussion 1. Workers’ Mobility 2. Mobility of researchers 3. First conclusions for discussion
Social security systems Flexibilisation / mobilisation World trends Social security systems Global competition Demographic changes Pressure Privatisation / individualisation Flexibilisation / mobilisation Release ?
European Commission’s Annual Progress Report on the Lisbon Strategy, Jan. 2006 “There has been a wind of change moving through the corridors of Brussels.” The progress of national policies generating more jobs has been uneven. Priority of the Austrian - and probably also Finnish - EU Presidency: to put more workers on the labour market and keep welfare states sustainable
Patterns of Mobility in the EU (Source: Eurobarometer 2006)
Commissioner Charlie McCreevy (IE) Internal Market & Services
Cross-border Portability of labour-related Pensions Rights
Education and training © MMV, Dr.T. Rentrop, EIPA The new realistic view Family Family/leisure Retire-ment Work and career Education and training Age
Conclusions (1): Workers’ Mobility The objective is to achieve prosperity and a high living standard by creating an adaptable and employable workforce. To this end, the framework for geographic and occupational mobility must be improved. Life-long, job-focused training and development of skills are essential to the mobility of workers. EU Foundation in Dublin: “Highly educated EU citizens are twice as mobile as lower educated citizens. (..) The real challenge would be to increase mobility levels for the low or medium skilled.” Preliminary remark: we are a small group --> Ask questions! Pension reform debate = likely to heat up in climate of uncertainty Lack of trust For sure: an overall trend towards privatisation People: scared to loose their pensions Politicians: scared to loose elections Trend towards pension privatisation Agenda (see below)
Conclusions (2): Researchers’ mobility Report of independent expert group “Creating an Innovative Europe” proposes to increase structural mobility, i.e. to create new structures regarding 1. people 2. financial mobility: a gab between political rhetoric and budgetary priorities 3. mobility in organisations: to allow linkages between researcher teams and technology platforms Preliminary remark: we are a small group --> Ask Questions! Pension reform debate = likely to heat up in y ahead climate of uncertainty Lack of trust For sure a all over trend towards privatisation People: scared to loose their pensions Politicians: scared to loose election Trend towards pens privatisation Agenda (see below)
Conclusions (3): Researchers’ mobility If we want to attract and retain top researchers, we will have to offer them good working conditions, good salaries and a good social and cultural infrastructure (“welcoming attitude”). The privatisation of universities and research institutes might lead to different pension schemes for researchers. The principle of equal treatment for all researchers must be taken into account. Preliminary remark: we are a small group --> Ask Questions! Pension reform debate = likely to heat up in y ahead climate of uncertainty Lack of trust For sure a all over trend towards privatisation People: scared to loose their pensions Politicians: scared to loose election Trend towards pens privatisation Agenda (see below)
Conclusions (4): Researchers’ mobility What are the benefits? - Innovative and comparative research has no borders: need for multinational researcher teams (win-win-situation) - Bigger job offer What are the objectives? - Brain drain: retention of researchers in the EU - Brain gain: repatriation of researchers from US What are the obstacles? - National / regional career development rules - Few career changes betw. public & priv. Sector - Different social security schemes Preliminary remark: we are a small group --> Ask Questions! Pension reform debate = likely to heat up in y ahead climate of uncertainty Lack of trust For sure a all over trend towards privatisation People: scared to loose their pensions Politicians: scared to loose election Trend towards pens privatisation Agenda (see below)
Further useful information: European Commission’s DG Employment & Social Affairs: http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/index_en.html European Commission’s DG Science & Research: Researchers’ Mobility Policy: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/mariecurie-actions/researchers/assistance_en.html European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Dublin): http://www.eurofound.eu.int OECD: browse by topic: “employment” http://www.oecd.org/topic/0,2686,en_2649_37457_1_1_1_1_37457,00.html