Conversations with John Today: Introduction to John Christmas Eve 6- 7PM: special service Christmas Morning: John 1:1-14 Jesus Moved Into the Neighborhood New Year’s Morning: Overview of John Circle of Discipleship
37-68 A.D. Probably written after Mark. Matthew Mark Luke John Date Written 37-68 A.D. Probably written after Mark. 40-65 A.D. Probably the 1st gospel written. 59-61 A.D. Probably written after Mark and Matthew. 80-98 A.D. The last gospel written. Audience Jews Romans Greeks Gentile Christians (All believers) Author Governmental official called to be an apostle Servant of the Apostles A physician Fisherman called to be an Apostle; intimate confidant Portrait of Jesus Jesus as King, the King of the Jews; the promised Messiah Jesus as servant, the powerful “Servant of the Lord” Jesus’ humanity, the “Son of Man” perfect Savior of man Christ’s deity, the “Son of God” and His eternal nature
37-68 A.D. Probably written after Mark. Matthew Mark Luke John Date Written 37-68 A.D. Probably written after Mark. 40-65 A.D. Probably the 1st gospel written. 59-61 A.D. Probably written after Mark and Matthew. 80-98 A.D. The last gospel written. Audience Jews Romans Greeks Gentile Christians (All believers) Author Governmental official called to be an apostle Servant of the Apostles A physician Fisherman called to be an Apostle; intimate confidant Portrait of Jesus Jesus as King, the King of the Jews; the promised Messiah Jesus as servant, the powerful “Servant of the Lord” Jesus’ humanity, the “Son of Man” perfect Savior of man Christ’s deity, the “Son of God” and His eternal nature
37-68 A.D. Probably written after Mark. Matthew Mark Luke John Date Written 37-68 A.D. Probably written after Mark. 40-65 A.D. Probably the 1st gospel written. 59-61 A.D. Probably written after Mark and Matthew. 80-98 A.D. The last gospel written. Audience Jews Romans Greeks Gentile Christians (All believers) Author Governmental official called to be an apostle Servant of the Apostles A physician Fisherman called to be an Apostle; intimate confidant Portrait of Jesus Jesus as King, the King of the Jews; the promised Messiah Jesus as servant, the powerful “Servant of the Lord” Jesus’ humanity, the “Son of Man” perfect Savior of man Christ’s deity, the “Son of God” and His eternal nature
37-68 A.D. Probably written after Mark. Matthew Mark Luke John Date Written 37-68 A.D. Probably written after Mark. 40-65 A.D. Probably the 1st gospel written. 59-61 A.D. Probably written after Mark and Matthew. 80-98 A.D. The last gospel written. Audience Jews Romans Greeks Gentile Christians (All believers) Author Governmental official called to be an apostle Servant of the Apostles A physician Fisherman called to be an Apostle; intimate confidant Portrait of Jesus Jesus as King, the King of the Jews; the promised Messiah Jesus as servant, the powerful “Servant of the Lord” Jesus’ humanity, the “Son of Man” perfect Savior of man Christ’s deity, the “Son of God” and His eternal nature
Matthew Mark Luke John Miracles 29 23 10 Parables 31 13 37 Sermons 5 8 Times the OT is quoted 45 14 Main emphasis Gospel of the Kingdom Gospel of miracles. All but four chapters present at least one miracle Historical Gospel. Has more parables than any other gospel Gospel of belief. Teachings are presented as conversations. Author’s approach Written chronologically, historical in nature Written chronologically, historical in nature Written thematically, theological in nature
Matthew Mark Luke John Miracles 29 23 10 Parables 31 13 37 Sermons 5 8 Times the OT is quoted 45 14 Main emphasis Gospel of the Kingdom Gospel of miracles. All but four chapters present at least one miracle Historical Gospel. Has more parables than any other gospel Gospel of belief. Teachings are presented as conversations. Author’s approach Written chronologically, historical in nature Written chronologically, historical in nature Written thematically, theological in nature
Matthew Mark Luke John Miracles 29 23 10 Parables 31 13 37 Sermons 5 8 Times the OT is quoted 45 14 Main emphasis Gospel of the Kingdom Gospel of miracles. All but four chapters present at least one miracle Historical Gospel. Has more parables than any other gospel Gospel of belief. Teachings are presented as conversations. Author’s approach Written chronologically, historical in nature Written chronologically, historical in nature Written thematically, theological in nature
Matthew Mark Luke John Miracles 29 23 10 Parables 31 13 37 Sermons 5 8 Times the OT is quoted 45 14 Main emphasis Gospel of the Kingdom Gospel of miracles. All but four chapters present at least one miracle Historical Gospel. Has more parables than any other gospel Gospel of belief. Teachings are presented as conversations. Author’s approach Written chronologically, historical in nature Written chronologically, historical in nature Written thematically, theological in nature
Matthew Mark Luke John Miracles 29 23 10 Parables 31 13 37 Sermons 5 8 Times the OT is quoted 45 14 Main emphasis Gospel of the Kingdom Gospel of miracles. All but four chapters present at least one miracle Historical Gospel. Has more parables than any other gospel Gospel of belief. Teachings are presented as conversations. Author’s approach Written chronologically, historical in nature Written chronologically, historical in nature Written thematically, theological in nature
Matthew Mark Luke John Miracles 29 23 10 Parables 31 13 37 Sermons 5 8 Times the OT is quoted 45 14 Main emphasis Gospel of the Kingdom Gospel of miracles. All but four chapters present at least one miracle Historical Gospel. Has more parables than any other gospel Gospel of belief. Teachings are presented as conversations. Author’s approach Written chronologically, historical in nature Written chronologically, historical in nature Written thematically, theological in nature
John is Different It omits many things the synoptic gospels include: Events in the life of Jesus presented only in John: the Birth of Jesus wedding feast at Cana His baptism His conversations with Nicodemus, the woman at the well and others His temptations deliverance of those demon possessed the raising of Lazarus washing disciple’s feet His ascension teaching about the H.S. parables His High Priestly prayer
John’s Framework Chapters 1-12 Jesus is at work in public, showing signs and teaching to diverse public audiences. Chapters 13-17 Jesus is in private turning His attention to his disciples, teaching, comforting, and praying for them. Chapters 18-21 Finally, the story ends with a detailed Passion/resurrection account.
John’s 7s Exodus 3:14 (NIV) God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” John 8:58 (NIV) “I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!”
John’s 7s Seven “I am” statements: I am the bread of life (6:35) I am the light of the world (8:12) I am the gate for the sheep (10:7) I am the good shepherd (10:11) I am the resurrection and the life (11:25) I am the way, the truth, and the life (14:6) I am the true vine (15:1)
John’s 7s Seven “I am” statements Seven Signs that point to Jesus’ power and divinity (recorded in chapters 1-11):
1. Turning the water into wine 2:1-11 Jesus is LORD of NATURE. Able to change one substance into another. 2. The healing of the nobleman's son 4:46-54 Jesus is LORD of LIFE. Able to give life on the one condition of faith. 3. The healing of the paralyzed man 5:1-15 Jesus is RESTORER. No matter how sinful a man is. Jesus is able to give life to the spiritually dead. 4. The feeding of the five thousand 6:1-14 Jesus is the FOOD by which we live. He is able to SUSTAIN the spiritual life He creates.
1. Turning the water into wine 2:1-11 Jesus is LORD of NATURE. Able to change one substance into another. 2. The healing of the nobleman's son 4:46-54 Jesus is LORD of LIFE. Able to give life on the one condition of faith. He is the WORD of God. 3. The healing of the paralyzed man 5:1-15 Jesus is RESTORER. No matter how sinful a man is. Jesus is able to give life to the spiritually dead. 4. The feeding of the five thousand 6:1-14 Jesus is the FOOD by which we live. He is able to SUSTAIN the spiritual life He creates.
1. Turning the water into wine 2:1-11 Jesus is LORD of NATURE. Able to change one substance into another. 2. The healing of the nobleman's son 4:46-54 Jesus is LORD of LIFE. Able to give life on the one condition of faith. He is the WORD of God. 3. The healing of the paralyzed man 5:1-15 Jesus is the RESTORER. Able to bring wholeness and change any and all circumstances. 4. The feeding of the five thousand 6:1-14 Jesus is the FOOD by which we live. He is able to SUSTAIN the spiritual life He creates.
1. Turning the water into wine 2:1-11 Jesus is LORD of NATURE. Able to change one substance into another. 2. The healing of the nobleman's son 4:46-54 Jesus is LORD of LIFE. Able to give life on the one condition of faith. He is the WORD of God. 3. The healing of the paralyzed man 5:1-15 Jesus is the RESTORER. Able to bring wholeness and change any and all circumstances. 4. The feeding of the five thousand 6:1-14 Jesus is the FOOD by which we live. He is able to SUSTAIN the spiritual life He creates.
5. The walking on the water 6:15-21 Jesus is our GUIDE and HELPER. Able to rescue His disciples and cause fear to cease. No barriers can keep Him away. 6. The healing of the blind man 9:1-41 Jesus is our LIGHT. He enables every person who is obedient to what he knows of Christ to find still greater truth. 7. The raising of Lazarus. 11:1-57 Jesus is LORD of ETERNAL LIFE. His gift of life does not end with death of the physical body.
5. The walking on the water 6:15-21 Jesus is our GUIDE and HELPER. Able to rescue His disciples and cause fear to cease. No barriers can keep Him away. 6. The healing of the blind man 9:1-41 Jesus is our LIGHT. He opens the spiritually blinded eyes and brings truth and the conviction of sin. 7. The raising of Lazarus. 11:1-57 Jesus is LORD of ETERNAL LIFE. His gift of life does not end with death of the physical body.
5. The walking on the water 6:15-21 Jesus is our GUIDE and HELPER. Able to rescue His disciples and cause fear to cease. No barriers can keep Him away. 6. The healing of the blind man 9:1-41 Jesus is our LIGHT. He opens the spiritually blinded eyes and brings truth and the conviction of sin. 7. The raising of Lazarus. 11:1-57 Jesus is LORD of ETERNAL LIFE. His gift of life does not end with death of the physical body. He brings life out of death.
John’s purpose John 20:30-31 (NIV) 30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may (continue to) believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John’s purpose John wrote out of intimacy, promoting intimacy. The book of John points to Jesus as being the ultimate embodiment of how to live in constant, intimate relationship with God the Father. And Jesus is the ultimate expression of how we are to live in relationship with others.