You can have as many account as you need to one company Access to webshop You will get your login only from your current contact person in Argip. You can have as many account as you need to one company After receiving username go to our website (enghlish version) and log in
Price and availability checking Step 1 You can search items by entering names or standards in the right corner, but to see prices and availability you need to log in first When you click on hint or search some standard then you will get link with answers, choose most appropriate. When you click it then choose other options like material, class, coating etc.
Price and availability checking Step 2 1 After choosing most appropriate items, choose other options like material, class, coating etc. 1 - example - choose only one option 1 1 1
Price and availability checking Step 3 1 TIP: Dark blue (goods from stock), Light blue (on request) 1 - Click on some size which you want to check price. Note: You can make an offer only from dark blue goods! If position is light blue – you can ask for it (see: „tutorial inquires from website”) 2 - In some cases after choosing dark blue positions you may see red light - it means that it is our standard product but now it is out of stock. To check price or delivery time – click ask (see: „tutorial inquires from website”)
Making an offer Step 1 To generate an offer, choose quantity and add products to cart – you need to write amount of packaging, not pieces
Making an offer Step 2 When you add something to cart you will see it in bottom of the website 1 - Click on your cart when you want to generate offer (you can add as many positions as you need) and click „make an offer from the cart” 2 – Click on offer by e-mail when you want to receive offer on your e-mail address. In your profile you will find a list of offers with the numbers and names of people who made an offer 1 2
You can easily get it !!! Please take a look next slide. Making an offer Step 3 After choosing „make an offer from the cart” you will generate an offer in pdf format, after choosing offer by e-mail you will get the same offer on your e-mail . You can also generate an offer in excel! – look next slide 1 1 - Оffer price is per 100 pcs IMPORTANT: Please remember that offers you make by your own are with 3% discount which you get for making an order on our website. All offers made by Argip staff are without additional 3% discount. You can easily get it !!! Please take a look next slide.
Making an offer 1 – In „My Profile” you can find a list with all offers that were made in webshop for your whole Company. 2 – You can easily generate an offer in excel. You will find this option in ”My Profile” „Offers”
Making orders from the offers You can easily make an order from the offer just clicking on the cart. Please note that all items in the cart are with 3% „webshop discount” Remember you can ask your contact person in Argip about any product you can not find on the website