Dominic Sirucek and Devin Creese AICE Media Studies Project 1
Master Shot Angle: Eye Level Description of Shot: This shot is used to project all the characters in the main characters in the scene. Explanation of Choice: To show that it was only the victims and the interrogator in the room.
Close Up Angle: Eye Level Description of Shot: Close Up is used to show emotion, the shot is usually taken from only inches away. Explanation of Choice: Used to show the characters emotions throughout the scene. Used a lot to transition from one scene to another. Close Up
Two Shot Angle: Eye level Description of shot: Scene between two people that includes equality. This shot is used very often and gives the shots a lot of meaning. Explanation of choice: Used to show the communication and interaction between the two characters.
High Angle Angle: High Angle Description of Angle: An angle taken from above the subject. This shot is often used to make the subject look smaller than normal. This may give the effect that the subject is weak. Explanation of Choice: We chose this angle to show that the character in this shot is weak.
Point of View Angle: No angle Description of shot: A shot that shows the scene through the characters view, which helps us better understand the character and was he or she is going through. Explanation of choice: This shot really gives us the experience that the character is getting. This shot is very often used throughout our scene.
Medium Close-Up Angle: Eye level Description of Shot: This shot was used to show the actor from the waist up. We used this to show the characters emotion. Explanation of Choice: We chose this to help the viewer better understand the tension in the scene.
Low Angle Angle: Low Angle Description of shot: Camera is below the character to show that he is stronger or has more power. Explanation of Choice: We chose this angle to show that the character has more power over the other character.
Canted Angle Angle: Canted (Dutch) Angle Description of Angle: When the camera is tilted at an angle so the horizon isn’t level. Explanation of Choice: We used this angle to show tension between the two characters.
Two Shot Angle: Eye Level Description of Shot: Scene between two people that includes the characters more or less equally. Explanation of Choice: We chose this to express the tension between the guard and the victim.
Wide Shot Angle: Eye Level Description of Shot: This shot includes the surroundings of the characters showing what’s going on around them. Explanation of Choice: We chose this to express what’s really going on in the interrogation room. Giving the audience a better grasp of what’s going on in the scene.
Close Up Angle: Eye Level Description of Shot: This shot is used to show the interrogators emotion during the scene. Explanation of Choice: These shots are usually taken from inches to really show the emotions of the character.
Critical Reflection 1. How does your product use or challenge conventions? Our project faced many challenges throughout the making of it. One major challenges was trying to take some of the shots that were difficult to take when there was only the two of us. For example the two shots were tough to take because we didn’t have anybody around all the time to take the pictures and when somebody was around we always had other things to do like other homework or sports. But we were able to get it done with what we had. Another challenge was trying to take the over the shoulder shot which is tough when the camera has to be looking at someone and behind the second person. But yet again after multiple attempts were finally pulled it off. Lastly, the final challenge was to be able to get together and take the photos and be able to put this project together because are both very busy between school and a lot of sports. But we were able to get it done in time and hopefully it turns out to be a good grade. These were the challenges that we faced while doing our project.
Critical Reflection 2. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? My production skills developed a major amount throughout this project. When I first started this class I didn’t know anything film techniques or movements. I learned how to take pictures at certain angles in order to make the audience feel more involved in the film and I also learned how to make a blog and how to publish what I write on the blog. The one thing that I improved in was that I now know how to take better photos and what type of angles I should take them at. 3. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? In our project we used a very little amount of software and pieces of technology in order to do our project. In order for us to take the pictures we used an iPhone 6 and some homemade supplies in order for us to be able to take the picture at the right angle, some of the items include a napkin holder and a peanut butter jar. The software that we used in order to edit our photos was PowerPoint and Google in order to get the pictures in the right place and the right colored background.