“The Tempest” Act Locations Swansboro High School English 12
ACT 1 : Scene 1 Scene 1: On a ship at sea: a tempestuous noise of thunder & lightning heard
Act 1 : Scene 2 Before Prospero’s Cell
Act 1 : Scene 2 Before Prospero’s Cell
Act 1 : Scene 2 Outside Caliban’s Dwelling
ACT 1 : Scene 2 Ferdinand wandering through the forest
Act 1 : Scene 2 The forest: the first sighting between Ferdinand & Miranda
ACT 2 : Scene 1 Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco, and others are wandering on the island in search of Ferdinand
Act 2 : Scene 1 Enter Ariel, invisible playing solemn music. Everyone sleeps except Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio.
ACT 2 : Scene 2 Caliban enters with a load of wood. A noise of thunder is heard.
Act 2 : Scene 2 Enter Trinculo who sees Caliban. Trinculo is unsure whether or not Caliban is a man or fish.
ACT 2 :SCENE 2 Enter Stephano as Trinculo hides underneath Caliban’s clothes.
ACT 2 : Scene 2 Caliban, Trinculo, & Stephano go in search of food.
Act 3 : Scene 1 Before Prospero’s Cell as Ferdinand carries wood for Miranda.
Act 3 : scene 2 Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo on the way to Prospero’s cell.
Act 3 : scene 3 Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco, and others on another part of the island.
Act 4 : scene 1 Enter Prospero, Ferdinand, and Miranda in Prospero’s cell.
Act 4 : scene 1 Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo on the way to Prospero’s cell to murder him.
Act 5 : scene 1 Enter Prospero in his magical robes and Ariel.