Test-Taking Vocabulary
Tell how 2 or more things are alike. Compare: Tell how 2 or more things are alike.
Tell how 2 or more things are different. Contrast: Tell how 2 or more things are different.
Sort things into groups and tell why each belongs in the group. Classify Sort things into groups and tell why each belongs in the group.
Give the meaning of a word. Define: Give the meaning of a word.
Describe: Tell in detail how something looks, smells, feels, sounds, or tastes. Other details may be included.
Evaluate: Give your opinion or cite the opinion of an expert. Tell the good and bad. Include evidence to support the evaluation.
Provide the detailed information about a subject. Explain: Provide the detailed information about a subject.
Make clear by a picture or examples. Illustrate: Make clear by a picture or examples.
Provide facts or reasons. Show how something is right or true. Justify: Provide facts or reasons. Show how something is right or true.
Write the names of people, things, or steps in a process. List: Write the names of people, things, or steps in a process.
A short piece of writing. Passage: A short piece of writing.
Relate: Tell how 2 things are linked to each other. Tell how one causes or affects the other. Te
Tell the main idea of a story or informational text. Summarize: Tell the main idea of a story or informational text.
Give a step by step explanation about how something happened. Trace: Give a step by step explanation about how something happened.