Psalm 30 ( Tune: The Church’s One Foundation)


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Presentation transcript:

Psalm 30 ( Tune: The Church’s One Foundation) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 30A Music: The Church’s One Foundation, Samuel S. Wesley Arrangement: Chris Reeves

1. O Lord, I will ex-alt you, for you have lift-ed me; My foes you have al-lowed not to glo - ry o - ver me.

O Lord my God, I plead-ed that you might heal and save; Lord, you from death have ran-somed… ...and kept me from the grave.

2. His saints, O praise Je - ho -vah and thank his ho-ly name. His an - ger lasts a mo -ment, his grace a whole life time.

For sor-row, like a pil - grim, may tar - ry all the night, But then a shout of joy comes when... …dawns the morn-ing light.

3. In pros-perous days I boast-ed, Un-moved I shall re-main. O Lord, you by your fa-vor my mount in strength main-tain;

For when your face was hid - den, I soon was trou-bled sore. I’ll cry to you, Je - ho - vah; the Lord I will im-plore.

4. Is there in my blood pro- fit when in the grave I dwell? Will dust pro-claim your prai-ses, your truth and glo-ry tell?

O hear me now Je – ho - vah! Be gra-cious un- to me! To you I cry Je - ho - vah! O now my hel-per be!

5. You now have turned my sor-row to dan-cing full of joy; You loos-ened all my sack-cloth and gir - ded me with joy.

To you sing songs my glo - ry, and ne-ver si-lent be! O Lord my God, I’ll thank you through all e-ter-ni - ty. A- men.