MANGROVES - How does man affect the coastline ? Man affects the coastline by; 1)constructing buildings 2)pollution 3)global warming e.g. coastal erosion 4)tourism and recreation 5)sand mining 6)land reclamation 8)coastal engineering e.g. sea wall
Removal of vegetation/mangrove !
What is mangrove? Mangrove are trees which grow at the mouths of rivers, near coasts and are able to survive in waters with high salinity. E.g mangroves are found in Claxton bay, Trinidad.
Why is mangrove important? Mangroves are important for coastal ecosystems as they: · Act as nurseries for many fish, crustacean and shellfish species. · Improve water quality as they filter pollutants and trap silt from rivers. · Protect the coast against erosion as they act as buffers during storm surges when the rate of erosion is increased. Are a source of food for many species.
The removal of mangroves can lead to: Loss of wildlife such as the scarlet ibis in Trinidad as their habitat is destroyed · Increased siltation of coasts. The silt brought down by rivers may smother coral and sea grasses and slow down the process of photosynthesis. · Increased rate of erosion of coasts due to exposure to storm surges. The coast is no longer protected.
Land reclamation ! Land reclamation is the process of building artificial land from oceans, rivers and lakes. Reclaimed land is usually used to build urbanised areas such as Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Land reclamation can lead to: Loss or damage of coastal habitats Changes to the physical nature of the sea bed which may cause erosion Sedimentation Water pollution
Land reclamation in Jamaica !