Vietnam Evaluate how Vietnam impacted US foreign and domestic policies Compare and contrast the policies of Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford Explain how the containment policy led to the US involvement in Vietnam Explain why the US had difficulties fighting the war in Vietnam Describe turning points in the war and reasons for opposition to US action Explain the results of US actions in Vietnam
Goals/ Cause United States Stop the spread of communism Gulf of Tonkin Vietnam Independence- to be free of foreign/ imperial influence
Plans- US Send advisors/ escalate Limited War War of Attrition Air War Strategic bombing Defoliants/ Agent Orange Expand to other countries Laos and Cambodia- ‘69 Ground War Search and Destroy Pacification War of Attrition General William Westmoreland
Plans- Vietnam Plan: Don’t Lose! Guerilla Warfare: Reliance on Ho Chi Minh Trail War of attrition
Jungle Warfare
Problems Limited military results Unsure of the enemy Unpopular in the US Student Protests Kent State U. Opposition to draft Deferments: Media- TV and Newspapers
Turning Points 1968- Tet Offensive: Results: 1. Failed to create an uprising 2.Increased anti- war protests at home
Turning Points 1969- My Lai Massacre Outcome of Court Martial: only one charged, Calley released after a 4 mo trial Results: increased anti-war opposition
Election of 1968 How like Korea: helped get Nixon elected Nixon Doctrine:
End of Vietnam Vietnamization: 1973- War Powers Act: 1975- Fall of Saigon:
Fall of Saigon 1975
Results- The D’s Death-58,000 dead The Memorial- The Wall Destruction 14,000 refugees to the US Debt- $100 billion Disillusionment- the gov’t lies! failure of containment