Quiz 1- What effect did DDT have on bird populations? 2- How did this happen? 3- How does energy change as you move up an energy pyramid? (from trophic level to trophic level) 4- What is succession? How does a pioneer species relate to succession?
Candy wrappers on the floor
Body sytems Integumentary Circulatory Endocrine Immune Digestive Muscular Skeletal Nervous
Integumentary system The skin The largest organ in your body! Function: _______ Associated organs:
Circulatory system Heart, arteries, blood vessels, veins Function: __________ Associated organs: What important gas is moved around by the circulatory system?
Endocrine system Organ system of glands that release hormones Function: ________ Associated organs:
Immune system Organs and tissues that produce white blood cells or antibodies Function: ______ Associated organs:
Digestive system Organs break down food into small molecules Function: ________ Associated organs:
Muscular system Muscles in the body Function: Associated organs: Three types! Function: Associated organs:
Skeletal system All your bones! Function: Associated organs:
Nervous system Function: Associated organs: