In rice GID1 (gibberellin insensitive dwarf 1) is a intracellular soluble GA receptor. After binding to GA it mediates the degradation of repressors of GA responses. Aleurone GA dependent alpha-amylase induction is absent in gid1-1 mutants in rice. Ueguchi-Tanaka et al., 2007
BUT: Experiments in oat and barley do not fit to that model. a. GA covalently bound to agarose beads induce alpha-amylase production in oat aleurone protoplasts but not in cells with an intact wall. (Hooley et al., 1999). b. Microinjected GA is not able to induce alpha-amylase expression in barley aleurone protoplast although extracellularly added GA did. (Jilroy and Jones, 1994)