Working Group on the 2030 Agenda in the Arab Region An overview of structure and functions Ramla Khalidi 21 November 2017
Transitional Thematic WG on Post-2015 History 2017 -- Joint 2030 WG & TFs 2016-2017 2030 Agenda WG 2013-2015 Transitional Thematic WG on Post-2015 2004 – 2013 MDG Thematic WG
Rationale One Workplan, One Meeting, One K-Platform: One Voice The 2030 Agenda a Priority for all RCM/R-UNDG members Statement of Collaboration, Development System Reform Recognizing strengths and mandates of Agencies
Structure & Membership Working Group on the 2030 Agenda in the Arab Region Co-Chairs & Secretariat: ESCWA & R-UNDG AFSD Chair: ESCWA ASDR Chair: ESCWA SDG Country Support Co-Chairs: UNDP, UNFPA, UNEP SDG Data Co-Chairs: ESCWA & UNFPA Membership: RDs represented by FPs The Joint WG is an umbrella working group that provides overall strategic guidance to all inter-agency taskforces working on the 2030 Agenda. With a birds eye view of the global, regional and national level debates on the Agenda, the WG will identify regional priorities and entry points, oversee the implementation of one coordinated workplan for all Taskforces; organize one joint annual meeting; and manage one knowledge platform and calendar of events. Can set up other task forces
Scope Ensuring coherence, coordination, and avoiding duplication in the areas of: Regional Consultations Knowledge Production Follow-up & Review, monitoring and data Capacity Building and Advocacy Capturing joint activities that meet the following criteria: Regional in nature Fall under one of the four categories Collaborative between 2 or more RCM members Relevant to 2030 Cross-cutting activities by the Secretariat
Decisions Functions and Scope of WG and Taskforces Membership of WG & TFs Commitment & Resources Workplans and Monitoring & Accountability
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