“Lord of the Flies” Chapter 12 20-1
This Week: Monday March 18th -Quiz Ch. 10-12 - Finish the novel “Lord of the Flies” - Work on questions in “Conformity Booklet” Tuesday March 19th : How to Write a CARL Wednesday March 20th : Write a CARL (FORMATIVE) Thursday March 21st : Finish up both PR and CARL Friday March 22nd: Movie
Agenda For Today Review Chapter 11 Discuss Chapter 12 – answer questions Quiz Chapter 10-12 Discuss chapters – Allegory PowerPoint
Review Ch. 11 Question: In chapter 11, what is the reaction of Jack’s tribe to Ralph’s talk of rescue? Answer: It no longer stirs them. They are no longer capable of intelligent foresight or planning ahead; they are savages, content to live for the moment.
Ch. 11 Review Why does Roger shove his way past Jack, only just managing not to edge him aside? Answer: This is a hint that brutality leads to even greater brutality. If they remain on the island, Roger might eventually Murder Jack.
Chapter 12 How is the Island a Microcosm of Adult Society? What is a Microcosm? Literally “Small Word,” a representative society intended to be typical of the world at large.
Goal for Chapter 12 -What is an Allegory? How is the novel “Lord of the Flies” an Allegory? -What is Dues Ex Machina? Find an example of Dues Ex Machina in the novel.
Answer: The island is a microcosm of adult society because the savagery of the island is a tiny reflection of the savagery of the larger world outside. The boys establish rules and goals, but soon forget them in the excitement of hunting and killing; adults, too, establish rules and goals but give in to evil instincts.
So What is an Allegory Answer: A narrative in which characters or objects are used to represent ideas or abstract qualities. The author uses this form to make a thesis interesting and persuasive. Golding shows the boys progressive degeneration. He employs symbolic characters, actions and even a symbolic setting to express his belief that human nature is essentially evil.
What is Deus Ex Machina? a god or improbable device introduced to resolve the entanglements of the plot.
Find an example of “Deus Ex Machina” in the novel. As we have seen, Ralph has worked tirelessly to retain the structure of civilization and maximize the boys’ chances of being rescued. Now, when all he can do is struggle to stay alive as long as possible, a deus ex machina (an improbable or unexpected device or character that suddenly appears to resolve a situation) appears, at the last possible moment, in the form of the naval officer who brings the boys back to the world of law, order, and society.
Chapter 12 Writing Activity Complete the Ch. 12 Writing activity: Imagine that you were one of the young people on the Island and write about what you might have done when the band split into two groups. Would you have allied yourself with Ralph, or Jack, or can you imagine another alternative?
Agenda: Finish writing your CARL
Due Date Reminders Wednesday March 2oth Friday March 22nd Next Week Conformity Booklet is due Friday March 22nd Formative PR and CARL are due Next Week Monday March 25 Tuesday March 26th Wednesday March 27th Unit Test Lord of the Flies PR Lord of the Flies CARL Lord of the Flies MC