Enhance the Development of Faculty The Pathway to Success Goal 6 – Initiative 2 Enhance the Development of Faculty
Introduction & Purpose The Pathway to Success Introduction & Purpose Faculty development plays an important role in retaining great faculty. . . and in student success. F O C U S Engage new faculty in the culture of ISU; actively support them in their first semester. Offer a variety of opportunities to more experienced faculty to support and advance their knowledge and skills related to teaching. Ultimately, the goal of faculty development is to foster a culture of pedagogical excellence throughout the careers of our ISU faculty.
The Pathway to Success Accomplishments Lively, and evolving, New Faculty Orientation program. Very active program for distance education faculty. Active engagement and emphasis on faculty development for teaching excellence targeted at student success. 4. Structured programs for role-based or “career-evolution” development. 5. Renewed focus on: a) broad participation and input b) coordination and communication of opportunities c) feedback, assessment, continuous improvement 6. Definition of need for new center, with director reporting to AVP for Student Success; expected hire summer 2013.
Initiative Benchmarks The Pathway to Success Initiative Benchmarks Benchmark Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Faculty e-portfolio participants NA 50 400+ Implementation of faculty development advisory group Y Implementation of faculty development survey on needs and satisfaction Survey respondents satisfied with faculty development opportunities offered 20% 70% Faculty participating in faculty development activities 25% 50% New faculty participating in New Faculty Orientation (NFO) 95% 100% New faculty attending NFO who indicate NFO contributes positively to their view of Indiana State University 80% 85% 90%
The Pathway to Success Next Steps Continue faculty development activities for spring and summer 2013. 2. Begin planning for New Faculty Orientation – Fall 2013. 3. Hire a director. 4. Director will work with advisory group and other inputs to create a vision for faculty development in support of student success.