4 SEPT 2018 Birmingham Steph Freeman CWP & PR Update 4 SEPT 2018 Birmingham Steph Freeman
CWP 2018 Launch - All member participation Members Re-launch - What the FPS is doing 1 Oct to launch CWP 2018 to members UK and ROI FPS Flyer for members to explain CWP & options together with checklist for members and ideas for marketing the scheme. CWP logo sent to members to display on their own websites with sample wording about CWP Don’t forget CWP is award winning - winning the CSR category at the Trade Association Forum Best Practice Awards in July 2018. CWP 2018 Launch - All member participation
CWP 2018 Members Re-launch - What the FPS is doing CWP certificate for members to display in their office/call centres FPS Letter for members to tailor and send to their customer base CWP Website update with participating members logos displayed and links to their website – logos received to date include Craggs, Certas, Rix and James D Bilsland. There is also a link to the CWP website on the FPS and Oilsave websites.
CWP PR Launch – Public an MPs talking about and asking for CWP PR Launch – 8 October FPS will contact MPs Press Release to trade and consumer press – case studies & comments needed FPS will also mention CWP again in Time to Get Ready For Winter Campaign to be launched at the end of October FPS will work to maintain google positions CWP PR Launch – Public an MPs talking about and asking for CWP
CWP – Members need to get involved What members need to do Members to brief staff about CWP – drivers and call centre staff (customer facing staff) Participating members to use CWP logo on their website CWP certificate - members to display in their office/call centres Members to market CWP to customer base Members to send company logo to the FPS to be placed on CWP website. CWP – Members need to get involved
Campaigning in both the UK and Ireland PRESS RELEASES AUG FOUR PRESS RELEASES/ARTICLES ECO3 welcome news that oil is included FPS Responds To Government’s Road To Zero Strategy & Submits Evidence On NRMM & Red Diesel Consultation FPS with OFTEC letter to Claire Perry Minister of State for Energy and Clean Growth Irish Brexit PR - not yet released Press Cuttings 15 pieces of coverage 4.29M online audience reached 20.6k online views 97 social media shares Campaigning in both the UK and Ireland
LOBBYING England Working with OFTEC on joint Claire Perry letter and PR Ireland Producing Letter to HMRC NI & Revenue ROI re Brexit & potential increase in Fuel Smuggling Producing PR to highlight potential issue of increase in smuggling post Brexit (Not yet issued) Producing letter to Minister Paschal Donohoe, TD Department of Finance & Public Expenditure & Reform re issues with carbon tax increase in Ireland Scotland Preparing email to Marcus Wilson Citizens Advice Scotland re ADR From campaigning letters to amending websites – support to the FPS team
Mailshots/Letters, Meetings, Social Media Writing more FPS EXPO Mailshots to other trade associations Working with OFTEC on Tanksafe and Sutherland Tables Updating websites with latest news items and making changes to websites where necessary Working with Guy, Communicate and Thrive on developing Marketing Communications strategy – first working group meeting held Social Media handling – Twitter, LinkedIn and google posts From campaigning letters to amending websites – support to the FPS team