Sut beth fydd cyngor gyrfaoedd ymhen 5 blynedd?


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Presentation transcript:

Sut beth fydd cyngor gyrfaoedd ymhen 5 blynedd? Where do you see careers advice in 5 years? Daniel Meehan

Cyflwyniad i’r sesiwn Introduction to the session Esbonio’r diwygiadau yn addysg ôl-16 Cymru a’r goblygiadau posib ar gyngor ac arweiniad gyrfaoedd Gwerthuso cyngor gyrfaoedd ar ei ffurf bresennol Dylunio gwasanaeth gyrfaoedd sy’n addas i bawb Outline the post-16 education reforms in Wales and what this could mean for careers advice and guidance Evaluate what careers advice looks like today Design a careers service that works for everyone

Diwygiadau addysg ôl-16, cyngor gyrfaoedd a myfyrwyr Post-16 Education Reforms, Careers Advice and Students

Beth yw diwygiadau addysg ôl-16? What are Post-16 Education reforms? Creu un corff ôl-16 sy’n gyfrifol am gyllido a rheoleiddio AU, AB, prentisiaethau, ymchwil a Dysgu Oedolion yn y Gymuned Gwerth a chymorth cyfartal i addysg alwedigaethol ac academaidd gyda chysylltiad rhwng cymwysterau a swyddi Dylai dysgwyr fod wrth galon y system newydd Create a single post-16 body that is responsible for funding and regulating HE, FE, apprenticeships, research and ACL Equal value and support for vocational and academic education with a connection between qualifications and jobs Learners should be at the heart of the new system The final report was published in March 2016 and proposed several headline recommendations which include:   Establishing a single authority for the post-compulsory sector responsible for regulation, oversight and coordination. The new authority will be responsible for funding and quality across the sector and be the primary funder for research. There should be equal value and support for vocational and academic pathways and connections between qualifications and the labour market need to be improved. Learners’ needs should be at the heart of the education system by developing clear and flexible learning and career pathways.

I gyflawni’r amcanion hyn, bydd angen ansawdd uchel, gwasanaethau cyngor ac arweiniad gyrfaoedd yng Nghymru sydd â myfyrwyr wrth eu craidd To achieve these aims we are going to need high quality, student-centred careers advice and guidance services across Wales To create a truly inclusive education system where everyone student is able to achieve their ambitions, we need to make sure they have access to careers advice and guidance that helps them.

Mae mwy i gyngor gyrfaoedd na chyfarfod… Careers advice isn’t just a meeting…

Datblygu gwasanaeth gyrfaoedd sy’n addas i fyfyrwyr Building a careers service that works for students

Sut beth yw cyngor gyrfaoedd nawr What careers advice looks like now This part of the session will focus on participants sharing their knowledge and identifying what careers advice and guidance is available to them. Depending on numbers, split participants into groups of 4/5 people and assign each group to one of the colour circles. Each of the “doors” will be represented by a piece of flipchart paper, clearly stating which environment it relates to. The groups will be asked to discuss what provision is available to them within that environment and identify any strengths or weaknesses. Groups will be provided with post-it notes and pens to write down their thoughts down and add them to the flipchart. After a few minutes, groups should move on to the next “door”. Repeat this until all groups have had a chance to discuss and comment on all four “doors”. In case that the room does not offer the space for participants to move freely, the flipchart should be passed from each group to the next. Once all groups have discussed and commented on all “doors” bring the workshop back together and ask them to feedback their comments and thoughts. This conversation will then lead on to the next activity. Sefydliad Institution Undeb Union Cymuned Community

Sut rydym am i gyngor gyrfaoedd fod How we want careers advice to look Sefydliad Institution Undeb Union Cymuned Community Cartref Home Remaining in their groups, participants will be asked to talk about what they want careers advice to look like in 5 years time. Following on from the previous conversation, ask the groups to discuss what can be done to improve careers advice and guidance. Using the matrix above, get them time to think about how different types of careers advice (using examples from the previous activity) interact with one another. The focus of this activity is to identify what can be done to improve careers advice and guidance within each individual environment and how they then interact/enhance one another. Unlike the previous activity, this matrix includes the home environment, which includes the advice available from family members, friends and the like. If participants are struggling with this environment, ask questions like: What level of involvement do parents have in their child’s career/education choices? What support is their for parents to help their children make the right decision? Each group should be given a sheet of flipchart and marker pens to map out their perfect careers service.

Adborth Feedback Os oes gennych unrhyw syniadau pellach ynglŷn â sut mae gwella cyngor gyrfaoedd yng Nghymru, e-bostiwch ni ar If you have any more ideas about how to improve careers advice in Wales drop us an email at Following the previous activity, spend the final part of the session to feedback.