Blandy Experimental Farm Educational Center Environmental Impact Statement Student from FCPS
Project Background The purpose of the Blandy field investigation I have participated in this year is to find a place for the new Educational Center. In the fall we did an artifact dig to determine if the chimney was historically significant or not. We did a runoff and recharge experiment to see what is the best recharge areas to determine the surfaces. In the Spring we did investigations to test historical significance. The purpose of Blandy trips was to find where to put the new Educational Center by finding the best recharge surfaces, and historical significance.
The Bus and Event Parking Area The Bus and Event Parking Area is relatively flat land. It has some hills that barely stick out. It has some waffle shaped metal storm drains. There is a building close by, so it has access to water, electricity, and a long winding road. Currently it is used to park and have events in. The smell of trees goes through the air. The sound of branches dancing in the wind fills your ears. This is the perfect place to build the Education Center. ,
Environmental Literacy I chose the Bus and Event Parking as the number one choice for environmental purposes as well. The Bus and Event Parking Area is not located near Lake Georgette or other bodies of water. Therefore, when the rain comes, whatever runoff there is will probably not go straight to Lake Georgette. Since the employees mow the area so often, no animals live there so it would not harm an ecosystem.
Historical Significance I chose the Bus and Event Parking as my number one place to build the education center at Blandy. The Bus and Event Parking has had no historically important person or event there. It is also not interesting, because it is just a small field. Another thing is we would not park on it if the Bus and Event Parking was significant.
The Chimney The Chimney is made of dirty limestone. It is very rough to the touch. It is surrounded by bare tan soil. Trees are around this odd structure. The sounds of animals scurrying in the woods. It has a very steep hill on the side. The Chimney is tall like a skyscraper. Currently it is not being used for anything except looking neat. It’s human-built resources are that there is a road right down the hill, and the Slave Quarters are nearby. In conclusion, the chimney is a good place to build.
Environmental Literacy Lake Georgette Macroinvertebrates I chose the Limestone Chimney as the number two choice for environmental purposes as well. Even though it is on a hill, there will be a lot of recharge by all the trees around. There will be some contaminated runoff, but not much. Lake Georgette is not very close to the Chimney, so you won’t have to worry so much about contaminating the lake.
Historical Significance The Chimney is my second best choice for a place to build the education center at Blandy. From our dig in the fall we did not find any artifacts that are significant at all. No historic people were here. The Chimney is sort of interesting to me though. No historic event took place here either.
Conclusion The purpose of our Blandy investigations was to find a place for a new Educational Center. The first site I chose to put it on was the Bus and Event Parking Area. The second I chose was the Limestone Chimney. The Educational Center is clearly needed for kids to come and learn on field trips. In conclusion the new Educational Center would greatly benefit Blandy Experimental Farm.