EarthResourceML – model – a summary Jouni Vuollo and EarthResourceML SW group
What is EarthResourceML(ERML) EarthResourceML is an XML–based data transfer standard for the exchange of digital information for mineral occurrences, mines and mining activity. Developed by GGIC and now governed by CGI-IUGS Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
What is EarthResourceML(ERML) Extension of GeoSciML v3.2 It describes the geological characteristics and setting of mineral occurrences Geological features based on GeoSciML model ERML model covers mineral occurrences, mines, mining activities, commodities, mining waste ERML and INSPIRE standard – theme Mineral Resources – are identical (- INSPIRE_id/GML_id) Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
A Short History Australian/NZ Government Geologists Information Committee (GGIC) GGIC Mineral Occurrence Task Group Commenced work in November 2006 MineralOccurrences v1.0 released March 2007 Tested in AuScope portal June 2009 EarthResourceML v1.1 released July 2009 Production services by GSV, PIRSA, MRT, NTGS, GSWA See AuScope Discovery Portal ( Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
A Short History Governance by IUGS/ CGI as per GeoSciML (from 9/2010) EarthResourceML v 2.0 released June 2012 After IWG meeting – Wellington 8/2012 After some further revision, mainly to accommodate the needs of the European INSPIRE Directive EarthResourceML version 2.0 was published in October 2013. Potential uptake by international community Production in AuScope Discovery Portal ( European directive/projects – accepted as a standard INSPIRE - EURARE – EGDIScope Minerals4EU tested the full model – report and feedback in ERML meeting - ISPRA Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
GeoSciML AuScope EDGI EarthResource ML EURARE IUGS ISO OGC CGI IWG’s INSPIRE Influence – use parts of OneGeology Uses part of MINERALS4EU EURARE EDGI Use/extend? AuScope 1G-E Use/extend? EarthResource ML Derived Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
EarthResourceML – basic features Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
Earth Resource: Mining Feature: EarthResourceML – basic features Earth Resource: natural material of potential economic value Mining Feature: working on the Earth Resource Earth Resource: Mineral Occurrence Commodity and Commodity Measure Ore Measure Mineral deposit model Exploration Activity Earth Resource Material Supergene processes (ex. alteration) Mineral system Mining Feature: Mine Mining Activity Mined material Products Mining waste Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
EarthResourceML – basic features Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
EarthResourceML – basic features Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
EarthResourceML – basic features - Earth Resource Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
EarthResourceML – basic features - Mining Feature Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
EarthResourceML – > Earth Material GeoSciML Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
EarthResourceML – > Earth Material GeoSciML Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
EarthResourceML 2.0 – vocabularies Most of the code lists came from the IUGS/CGI (EarthResourceML IWG) Then modified by INSPIRE TWG and completed by the INSPIRE TWG and Minerals4EU project proposal to INSPIRE MIG group is coming (10/2015) Now the ERML v 2.0 model has 24 code lists 21hosted by IUGS/CGI 14 in INSPIRE register (core model codes) 3 lists from other international organizations mineral names from IMA Products from Mining Waste types from EIONET See vocabularies Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
The Future – EarthResourceML GGIC needs – Australia and New Zealand and Minerals4Eu feedback ERML portrayal for Mineral Resource data delivery – like GeoSciML portrayal Allows delivery of a small and simplified part of the full ERML model New evolved version of ERML 2.0 – > 2.1 feedback from Minerals4EU and other projects Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
Current situation – deliver mineral Resource Data – based on ERML Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
Internet Resources EarthResourceML home Schemas Vocabularies EarthResourceML Working Group Jouni Vuollo 28.10.2015 ISPRA Italy
Thank you - questions! Kittilä Mine , Finland Teck Red Dog Zn Mine, Alaska Aitik Mine , Sweden Thank you - questions! Kihibiny Mine , Russia Xstrata Raglan Ni Mine, Quebec Esityksen nimi / Tekijä 26.12.2018 Black Angel Zn Mine, Greenland Norilsk Mine , Russia Photo courtesy of The Diavik Diamond Mine