Grammar Notes
A group of words that looks like a sentence but is not Because the boy was sad Since I went to school Sentence fragment
Main/Independent clause A group of words that can stand alone as a sentence Main/Independent clause
Subordinate/Dependent clause A group of words that depends upon an independent clause to become a complete sentence Subordinate/Dependent clause
Coordinating conjunctions Words that connect independent clauses FANBOYS: For And Nor But Or Yet So Coordinating conjunctions
When a dependent clause is at the beginning of the sentence, it must have a comma. While I ate spaghetti, my sister played the violin. Comma Rule 1
When combining two independent clauses with FANBOYS, you must have a comma. I went to school, and it was the best day ever. Comma Rule 2
When listing multiple items or concepts, you must separate them with commas. I love soccer, coffee, books, and running. In 2016, I renovated my house, trained for a 10K, and visited 2 countries. Comma Rule 3
Appositives (a word or phrase that describes something) must be separated with commas. My teacher, Ms. Crowder, loves to read. Ms. Crowder, my English teacher has a Master’s degree. I parked my car, a 2008 Ford truck. Comma Rule 4
When directly speaking to someone, you must separate his/her name with a comma. John, please pick up the paper from the floor. I want to know the answer to number 23, Bo. Comma Rule 5