Purdue MSI Proposal May 5, 1999 MSI Applications E. Houstis (CS), A. Elmagarmid (CS), A. Nour (VET), L. Tsoukalas (NE), and M. Ishii (NE) Title of Talk
MSI: Infrastructure Organization Overview Purdue-On-Line: CS activities Purdue-On-Line: Vet activities PUMA: Purdue University Multi-Dimensional Integral Test Assembly 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
Purdue-On-Line: A Facility for On-Line Instruction and Course Delivery Purdue MSI Proposal May 5, 1999 Purdue-On-Line: A Facility for On-Line Instruction and Course Delivery E. Houstis (CS), A. Elmagarmid (CS), A. Nour (VET), N. Dhanjani (CS), L. Tsoukalas (NE) Title of Talk
What is Purdue-On-Line (POL) today? Purdue MSI Proposal May 5, 1999 What is Purdue-On-Line (POL) today? Research project trying to address the following issues: Design and prototype an environment for on-line instruction on stationary and mobile platforms Research teaching methodologies for on-line instruction Experiment with a set of traditional courses Evaluate courseware delivery models/software and on-line courses Evaluate video servers (hardware/software), videoconferencing, and communication technologies Assess the overall cost and impact of on-line education Educate faculty What is POL? at the moment the state-of-the art on on-line instruction is still at the research level. It's true that you can find some courses offered in some on-line form but in my opinion they are at a primitive stage. POL is a research project that tries a) to indentify the specifications of an on-line instruction environment, evaluate existing and announced technologies for implementing it, develop a prototype environment for experimentation, b) research teaching methodologies for on-line instruction by transforming some existing courses and evaluate them. c) Evaluate commercial and research courseware for delivery on-line courses. Already there are several in the market. d) evaluate video servers and communication hardware e) assess the overall cost and impact of on line education 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization Title of Talk
Who supports this effort? Purdue MSI Proposal May 5, 1999 Who supports this effort? Primarily Intel Corporation and Purdue University AT&T and IBM provided equipment support International collaboration (Univ. of Crete, Greece) 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization Title of Talk
MSI: Infrastructure Organization 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization Purdue MSI Proposal May 5, 1999 Video Server (CISCO Video Server) Disk Bank Video sources: Tape, Camera, Satellite, ... Digital Video Studio (Optibase Mpeg Card) (with and without hardware decoders) Video Clients Need to update it! Switched Ethernet Hub (3Com) CD-ROM Burner 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization Title of Talk
Purdue-On-line Course Multimedia Client/Server Systems Course Management Tools Learning Space (http://medusa) WebCT (http://webct.cs.purdue.edu) LearningLink (xyz) (considered) Videoconferencing CuSeeMe (videoconfering) Multimedia documents Vxtreme Videoservers CISCO Lucent Oracle 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization Hardware Facility Optibase move maker mpeg encoder card VCR/TV/Sony digital camera PC based Servers (Medusa: Quad PC, 60Gbytes disk, 512 Mbytes RAM) 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
Mobile Virtual Laboratories and PSEs for Instruction and Research SoftLab (virtual lab framework) WebPELLPACK (Problem Solving Environment) 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization Programming in C/C++ Freshman and Continuing Education Students High School Background Offered two times 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization CS190E Tour http://medusa 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization CS541: Data Bases Videolecture delivered by CISCO videoserver 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization Veterinary School On-line courses Multimedia material 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization Chemistry Course Lecture 4 (“The World of Mater”) (Delivered by CISCO videoserver) 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization Conclusions On-line distance learning technology requirements Easy of use technologies for developing, accessing, and storing multimedia documents Indexed full screen, high resolution video material on demand Tools for safeguarding digital library material Videoconferencing Secure course records Efficient course management tools Efficient network facilities Multimedia content production facilities POL will benefit from MSI infrastructure and research POL environment, courses, material can be served as benchmark to MSI research 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization
MSI: Infrastructure Organization Conclusions On-line distance learning technology requirements Easy of use technologies for developing, accessing, and storing multimedia documents Indexed full screen, high resolution video material on demand Tools for safeguarding digital library material Videoconferencing Secure course records Efficient course management tools Efficient network facilities Multimedia content production facilities POL will benefit from MSI infrastructure and research POL environment, courses, material can be served as benchmark to MSI research 12/26/2018 MSI: Infrastructure Organization