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a. Who are the competitors? Shazam app
Shazam app
Common Navigation Elements Browse by artist/genre/other categories * ^ “ Search by keywords * ^ “ Search by rhythm * ^ Search by “contour” of melody * ^ Search by sound * ^ “ Search by specific performances ^ “ Search using properly notated sheet music: NONE! ^ IMSLP * Musipedia “ Shazam Additional Pay for a subscription ^ Search by using a virtual piano * Browse music news “ Trending “ Randomize ^ About Home
Common style (look and feel) IMSLP and Musipedia use the same format- banner across the top with the logo in the top right corner. Shazam’s home page of the app is the logo in the middle that has the main function of the app when you click on it (listen to an audio file and determine what song it is). IMSLP and Musipedia are mostly white but IMSLP and Shazam share a blue color scheme as well.
Site Audience – Audience specifics i. Find out about your audience. People curious about music in general Someone who wants to know more about specific pieces of music Knowledgeable musicians looking for more repertoire Possibly amateur musicians educating themselves about classical music and jazz
Who is the audience? Likely well versed musicians would use the site more Amateurs would use it but not as often Both male and female International Any age Possibly music students Using the site on both mobile devices as well as desktops
Persona 1 Billy, male, age 18 Second year music technology student, has played the trumpet since elementary school Very familiar with computers due to being a music technology student More music knowledge than average, so the language used can be more advanced He has a hearing impairment in one ear, so this might affect the function that he selects to search the music by (and not use the audio function). Needs to find a specific piece he heard another trumpet player performing so that he may learn to perform it himself.
Persona 2 Anna, female, age 42 Professional musician in an orchestra, plays the violin. Has played the violin since she was young, her mother taught her. She stays very family oriented Not very experienced with computers Teaches music classes at the local university, has a masters degrees in music performance Extremely knowledgeable, can understand complex musical concepts and terminology Conducts a small string ensemble at a university (string quartet)
Audience’s website goals Find pieces of music by having the opportunity to search by using fully and properly notated sheet music as well as simpler means of searching. Such as by rhythm, sound recording, melodic structure Search for pieces of music in specific genres, by certain composers, by ensemble, or by instrument. Browse general categories Upon finding a piece the audience is looking for, they can download the sheet music or listen to a sound recording.
Audience’s website tasks Search for a piece by using the sheet music feature Search for a piece by using the rhythm, sound, and melodic function (separately) Find a piece by a specific composer Find a piece for a specific instrument Browse a category, such as “brass ensemble,” and choose a piece. Select a piece and download or view the sheet music. Listen to a sound recording of the piece
Audience’s language The ability to be complex (professional musicians or students) Simple in addition to the complex keywords
Interface goals and tasks Serve as an open database of public domain works of music Allow users to easily find the pieces they are looking for Also allow users to browse easily through sections and topics that interest them
Main content categories Home Browse By Composer By Genre By Instrument (with subcategories--- woodwinds, brass, strings) By Ensemble Search By Notated Sheet Music By Keyword (with subcategories--- composer, genre, etc) By Rhythm By Melody Contour By Audio Recording By Performance About Us