Unit 4: HIV, STD & Pregnancy Prevention Lesson 5: STD – The Facts
Healthy Behavior Outcomes Be sexually abstinent. Engage in behaviors that prevent or reduce unintended pregnancy. Support others to avoid or reduce sexual risk behaviors.
Bellringer Go to SHHShealth.weebly.com Unit 4 – click on Poll 4-2 and respond
Motivate Today you will be learning more about specific STD’s and how to prevent or reduce your risk of getting them 1 in 4 teens have an std
What is an std Some std’s can also be passed through genital touching or skin-to-skin sexual contact. Many different STD’s have been identified… it is not a single disease Sexual intercourse can include: Vaginal sex Oral sex Anal sex All sexually active people (Gay, straight, lesbian, or bisexual) are at risk
STD: Things to know a. How do you get it? b. How do you know if you have it? c. Can it be cured? d. What can happen if you do not get treated? e. How can you prevent it or lower your risk?
Activity Groups of 4 or 5 Make a poster about the assigned STD Write the name of the std at the top and be sure to include the answers to the 6 questions on the std: things to know slide You can be creative!!!.... But appropriate!!! 10-15 min to complete Be ready to share Workbook pg. 15 while others present
STDs Chlamydia Gonorrhea Hepatitis b herpes 5. HPv 6. Syphilis 7. Trich
Summary All these STD’s are passed through (vaginal, oral, or anal sex and some by skin-to-skin contact) People who have an std can still pass it to other people even if they feel and look healthy Can be tested at a doctors office or health clinic If showing any symptoms, go to the doctor right away Std’s can harm unborn babies, cause health problems, and damage the reproductive organs if not treated Can prevent all std’s by being abstinent Having a sexual relationship with only 1 person who is not infected and is not having sex with anyone else is also a way of reducing the risk.
Summary Symptoms are one of the immediate or short-term consequences of std Women with an std may have a discharge from the vagina, pain in the pelvic area, and burning or itching around the vagina Men often have a drip or discharge from the penis Both men and women with an std may notice: Sores, bumps, or blisters near the genital or anal areas or the mouth Burning or pain when urinating (peeing) Swelling or redness in the infected area Can sometimes be asymptomatic – does not cause symptoms
How condoms reduce the risk of std Condoms help prevent std in the same way they help prevent pregnancy Form a barrier so that body fluids are not exchanged Block the bacteria and viruses that cause std’s from being passed between partners Use every time a person has sex – vaginal, anal, and oral Nonlubricated condoms should be used for oral sex with a man Skin-to-skin touching: herpes, hpv, and syphilis Condom helps, but a person can still get the std if skin-to-skin occurs
Why people might not get tested Fear of seeing someone they know at the clinic Fear of what people would think Don’t want to admit they have an std Don’t want to tell a stranger they have had sex Don’t want to give names of sex partners
How to deal with these barriers Go to a clinic in another neighborhood Think about the consequences of not getting treated Recognize that it’s better to know than to get really sick or give an std to someone else