IS 6833 Professor Vicki Sauter NYC Stop, Question and Frisk Analytics Assignment 10 May 2017 Group C Sam Clervi Kory Mitchell Rachel Petzoldt Mark Phillips Sabina Yuan
Outline Data Preparation and Approach Analysis Findings Did the NYC SQF program decrease crime? Did the NYC SQF program decrease weapons? Was there bias in the SQF program?
Data Preparation & Approach Obtained outside NYC crime statistics Historical NYC crime data 2000 – 2016 NYC crime and enforcement activity by race 2008 – 2015
Analysis Findings NYC SQF found to decrease overall crime rate NYC SQF found not to impact overall weapons arrests Racial bias found in NYC SQF program Based on NYC population by race Based on NYC criminal activity data
Did the program reduce crime? Results: Presence of the NYC SQF showed statistical significance in decreased overall crime Methodology: Linear regression to test impact of NYC SQF on number of arrests Investigated SQF variables affecting overall crime, but no statistically significance NYC Arrests = -11,036.9 * Year – 38,309.7 * SQF + 22,828,043
Did the program reduce weapons? Results: The NYC SQF did not show statistical significance in weapon reduction Methodology: Linear regression to test impact of NYC SQF on number of arrests Investigated SQF variables affecting overall crime, but no statistically significance NYC Weapons = 165.3 * Year + 334.6 * SQF – 327,796
Was there bias in the program? Results: All races showed statistical significance except Hispanic Bias in SQF toward Black Methodology: Paired t-Test to compare SQF stops by race and NYC population by race Race SQF Pop. NYC Pop. Pearson t-Stat API 3.7 % 13.4 % 0.85 -61.61 Black 52.7 % 23.2 % -0.58 58.31 White 10.2 % 34.1 % -0.41 -35.57 Hispanic 30.2 % 29.3 % ---
Was there bias in the program? Results: All races showed statistical significance Bias in SQF toward API and Black Methodology: Paired t-Test to compare SQF stops by race and NYC arrests by race Race SQF Arrests NYC Arrests Pearson Coeff. t-Stat API 3.7 % 3.4 % 0.89 2.23 Black 52.7 % 48.6 % -0.53 4.05 White 10.2 % 12.8 % 0.28 -6.74 Hispanic 30.2 % 35.1 % -0.57 -4.99
Thank You! Sam Clervi Kory Mitchell Rachel Petzoldt Mark Phillips Sabina Yuan