Section 3-2 Uncertainty in Measurements
Ideally, measurements are both correct and reproducible. Accuracy – measure of how close a measurement comes to the actual value Precision – measure of how close a series of measurements are to each other.
Error and Percent Error Error = accepted value – experimental value Percent error = error x 100 accepted value
Significant Figures in Measurements Significant figures – measurement includes all the digits that are known plus last digit that is estimated.
Rules – applies to measurements, not counting All nonzeros are significant. Zeros between significants are significant. Placeholders are not significant. Final zeros to the right of the decimal are significant.
Calculation with significant digits Multiplication and Division- -round to number that is least precise number of digits of the numbers used. Addition and Subtraction- -round to least precise decimal place of the numbers added.
How many significant figures in the following measurements? 1. 123 meters 2. 0.123 meters 3. 40506 meters 4. 9.8000 x 104 5. 30.0 meters 6. 0.07080 meters 7. 98000 meters
Round the following to the # of sig figs in ( ). 314.721 meters (4) 0.001775 meter (2) 64.32 x 10-1 (1) 8792 meters (2)
Significant Figures in Multi-step Problems Do not round on intermediate steps but apply significant figure rules to final answer.
Rounding Rules Above 5 - - round up Below 5 -- round down Exactly 5 (such as 2.45 round to 2 significant digits). Number to the left is even-leave it Number to the left is odd-round up Above example = ??? 2.4
Round the following to 3 Significant Figures 2.235 cm 16.251 m 56.55 g 7.145 ml 56.45000001 s