Multi-Beneficiary IPA programmes Torbiörn Carlquist, Eurostat PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
Principles for IPA and statistical cooperation Objective: to support the process of harmonisation with EU standards in statistics and to take forward the integration of National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) into the European Statistical System Annual IPA programmes Instruments for implementation: service contracts and grants Grants to NSIs to increase ownership and build their capacity to manage EU funds Service contracts involve private experts and allow for regional activities Main activities of technical assistance: pilot projects, participation in Eurostat working groups, in ESS meetings, trainings, traineeships, study visits and consultancies. PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
IPA 2011 Total value 8,200,000 EUR 20 different pilot projects Service contract ended in June 2014 Implementation has been successful Grants to HR, IS, MK, RS, TR Grants' implementation ended August 2014 Final reports expected by the end of November 2014 The grant to Statistics Iceland has to be terminated prematurely in June 2014 PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
Service contract IPA 2011 PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014 * Grant beneficiaries under IPA 2011 were invited to pilot project workshops and training courses organised by the consultant, but need to finance the costs for their travel, accommodation, daily allowance, etc. from their respective grants. PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
IPA 2012 Total value 9,300,000 EUR Combines amounts from IPA 2012 and 2013 4 grant contracts and 1 service contract signed Nov 2013 Iceland has no grant, despite it was planned Implementation until November 2015 18 pilot projects PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
IPA 2012 Activities in the following statistical domains: National accounts methodology Regional gross value added Regional household accounts LUCAS Agri-monetary statistics Annual crop statistics Animal production statistics Structure of earnings survey (SES) Social Protection statistics (ESSPROS) Education statistics – implementation of ISCED 2011 Research and development statistics and CIS Environmental accounts Short-term business statistics (STS) International trade in goods statistics International trade in services statistics Income and living condition statistics (SILC) Price statistics (PPPs) Price statistics (HICP) PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
FUTURE IPA No IPA 2013 MBP IPA II for the period 2014-2020 Future IPA programmes will have to be designed by Eurostat with better result-oriented projects The focus on measuring of results Pre-defined, clear, transparent, country specific and measurable indicators PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
IPA II (2014-2020) EU new Multi-annual Financial Framework for 2014-2020 IPA II Regulation 231/2014 adopted in March 2014 Support to statistics in 7 countries will continue Strategy for statistical cooperation with the enlargement countries 2014-2020 as basis for programming Monitoring of results with the help of indicators PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
IPA 2014 The design phase has started at Eurostat Eurostat production units provided ideas for pilot projects to be supported Discussion with enlargement countries on 28/02/2014 on their proposals for pilot projects Project fiche prepared in May 2014 and sent to DG ELARG; expected Commission Decision end of 2014 IPA 2014 funding for statistics will be 8M€ Tentative start of implementation in autumn 2015 PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
Financial overview (EUR1000) Grants committed spent not spent IPA 2009 3515 2992 522 IPA 2010 1000 963 37 IPA 2011 4961 n.a. n.a. IPA 2012 4913 Service contracts IPA 2009 2385 2140 245 IPA 2010 - IPA 2011 3197 n.a. n.a. IPA 2012 4372 PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014