Nate Mack State of the School December 14,2018 1:30-2:10 p.m.
#MackStrong 2018-2019 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
School Demographics Who are the Mountain Lions?
Identified Ethnic Groups Caucasian 42% Hispanic 30% Multiracial 12% Black 7% Asian 6% Pacific Islander 3%
Other Subgroups Male 52% Female 48% Free Lunch 47% IEP 16% ELL 9% Repeated Grade 6%
What does it mean to be a Title I School?
What is Title I? Title I is a federally funded academic assistance program for schools who serve at risk populations (40% or more free lunch). The goal of Title I is to ensure high quality well-rounded education for every child.
What does Title I provide at my child’s school? $70,083.00 Supplemental Staff Members ($51,446) Before/During/After School Tutoring for students who qualify One Extra Hour for Library Aide and Resource Aides Prep Buy-out for Friday Support Web-based Teaching/Learning Programs ($18,934) MyON Electronic Books STAR Reading and Accelerated Reader STAR Math and Accelerated Math Technology supplies: Chromebooks for Family Checkout Family Involvement Opportunities ($703) Monthly Trainings/Supplies and Events
What are the parents’ rights under Title I? The right to receive periodic progress reports on the child and the school. The right to request information about the qualifications of their child’s teacher. The right to help decide if the school’s Title I program is meeting the needs of their child. The right to offer suggestions for academic improvement and increased parental involvement.
What are the parents’ responsibilities under Title I? The responsibility to share information with the teacher about their child’s interests and abilities. The responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly, completes all homework and classroom assignments, and adheres to the district’s Educational Accord, Honor Code, and school behavior policies. The responsibility to attend parent conferences and to communicate regularly with the school concerning their child’s academic progress.
Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) Star Rating
Academic Achievement: Student performance on state mandated assessments Action Steps: Professional development for all staff Student exposure to test format and tech tools Strong tiered instruction Culturally diverse instructional materials NEPF support for staff from administration and Learning Strategist Goal: Black students will increase proficiency in math from 28.6% to 32.3% and in ELA from 42.9% to 45.4% by May 2019 as measured by state summative assessments. Hispanic students will increase proficiency in math from 47.2% to 50% and in ELA from 52.9% to 55.6% by May 2019 as measured by state summative assessments. Points Issued: 17/25
Growth: The increase of student performance over time Action Steps: Professional development for all staff Student exposure to test format and tech tools Strong tiered instruction Culturally diverse instructional materials NEPF support for staff from administration and Learning Strategist Point Issued: 27/35 Goal: Black students will increase proficiency in math from 28.6% to 32.3% and in ELA from 42.9% to 45.4% by May 2019 as measured by state summative assessments. Hispanic students will increase proficiency in math from 47.2% to 50% and in ELA from 52.9% to 55.6% by May 2019 as measured by state summative assessments.
English learners’ growth towards English language proficiency EL Proficiency: English learners’ growth towards English language proficiency Action Steps: Professional development for all staff on ALCA-M Student exposure to test format and tech tools for WIDA Instructional rounds with focus on academic discourse Culturally diverse instructional materials Community engagement workshops and activities Points Issued: 9/10 Goal: Increase the percent of English Learners achieving AGP toward English Language Proficiency from 28.1% to 36% by May of 2019 as measured by ELPA.
Opportunity Gaps: Improvement of lowest performing students Goal: Black students will increase proficiency in math from 28.6% to 32.3% and in ELA from 42.9% to 45.4% by May 2019 as measured by state summative assessments. Hispanic students will increase proficiency in math from 47.2% to 50% and in ELA from 52.9% to 55.6% by May 2019 as measured by state summative assessments. Action Steps: Professional development for all staff Equity and Diversity Team Strong tiered instruction Culturally diverse instructional materials Restorative justice practices for behavior mentoring Parent workshops Accessing translators and community services Resources for families to check-out Points Issued: 5/20
Student Engagement: Level of student engagement within a school Action Steps: Parent workshops Enrichment programs Attendance incentives Restorative justice practices Translating services PTO and parent volunteers Parent/Teacher conferences SOT Access to parent survey Points Issued: 8/10 Goal: Reduce the percent of chronically absent students from 11.1% to to 9% by 2019 as measured by Infinite Campus and reported on the Nevada School Performance Framework.
State Mandated Assessments Kindergarten: Brigance Kindergarten-Third Grades: MAP Third-Eighth Grades: SBAC ELL Kinder-5th Grades: WIDA
Nevada Ready! Nevada K.I.D.S Read What is it? Nevada Ready By 3 How might it affect my child? SB 391
Read By 3 at Nate Mack MAP Growth Assessment K-3rd Grades Fall, Winter, Spring (1st- 3rd grades) Winter and Spring (Kinder) Students achieving 40% or below are identified as ‘at risk’ and parents are notified. Classroom teacher creates a Student Literacy Performance Plan (SLPP). Parents and teacher conference about the SLPP, set student learning goals, review the plan for the student to continue receiving intensive instruction, and determine what parents will do at home to support student growth. Teacher monitors student’s growth and communicates progress with parents. SLPP is adjusted as students show growth.
Kelso’s Choices What is it? Who needs it? Why do we use it?
Learning Behaviors for Success Regular Attendance Student Goal Setting Parent & Teacher Partnership Family Engagement Student Enrichment
Enrichment at Nate Mack Spirit Squad STEAM Club Robotics Team Choir ORFF Ensemble Running Club Cub Scouts Good News Club Spanish Class Piano Lessons Guitar Lessons Student Council Girl Scouts Crafternoon Best Buddies Garden and Outside Classroom Missoula Children’s Theater
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