Assignment & Public Speaking Past, Present, Future Assignment & Public Speaking Aims of this lesson To prepare for assignment 1 and public speaking assessments To learn how to properly format & edit your essay
Write about three things in your life - something in your: Homework Write about three things in your life - something in your: past, present and, future You should write 250-300 words (not more or less).
A few ideas Past A hobby I used to have A great family trip The first time went to a live concert Etc. Present A typical day My neighborhood This semester Future Plans after graduating The job I want Next school vacation A few ideas
2. answer your group members’ questions Then you will: Speaking Exam Make a group of 3 Change your ‘past, present, future’ essay into a short speech Practice, Practice, Practice On the day of your speaking exam, you have 4 minutes to: 1. present (standing up) to your group members & the teacher. Your speech should be around 1 min 30 seconds. 2. answer your group members’ questions Then you will: 3. watch your group members’ presentations 4. ask questions