The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities – FME ZEN
Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) Goals of the FME’s: Increased innovation and value creation in the participating public institutions and private businesses as well as in the Norwegian society in general To contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions nationally and internationally as well as to a more effective use of energy and a higher production of renewable energy
The ZEN Centre’s vision: © tegn3 Sustainable neighbourhoods with zero greenhouse gas emissions
The ZEN Research Centre in numbers Host: The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 2017-2024 380 MNOK 20 PhD candidates and 5 postdocs (more in assoc. projects)
The ZEN Centre’s partners 11 public partners Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Bærum Bodø, Elverum, Steinkjer Trøndelag fylkeskommune Statsbygg NVE – Norges vassdrag og energidirektorat DiBK – Direktoratet for byggkvalitet 21 industry partners ByBo, Elverum Vekst TOBB Snøhetta, ÅF Engineering, Asplan Viak Multiconsult, SWECO, Civitas FutureBuilt Energi Norge, Norsk Fjernvarme NTE – Nord-Trøndelag Energiverk Statkraft Hunton Moelven Norcem Smart Grid Services Cluster Skanska GK, Caverion 2 research partners NTNU SINTEF
Work packages in the ZEN Research Centre:
ZEN pilot projects Bodø: Airport area Steinkjer: Residental area Trondheim: Knowledge Axis (NTNU Campus & Sluppen) Evenstad: Campus Elverum: Ydalir Bergen: Zero Village Bergen Oslo: Furuset Bærum: Oksenøya, Fornebu 30 000 m2 > 1 million
ZEN pilot projects (Cont.) The ZEN pilot projects include both new areas as well as well-established areas that are to be upgraded and developed further. The ZEN pilot projects serve as innovation hubs where the ZEN researchers, together with building professionals, property developers, municipalities, energy companies, building owners, and users, test new solutions for the construction, operation and use of neighbourhoods in order to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions to zero on a neighbourhood scale.
Sluppen bilde Bodø ©Bodø Municipality Bodø ©Bodø Municipality Furuset. ©Oslo Municipality Furuset ©Oslo Municipality Steinkjer ©Steinkjer-Avisa Zero Village Bergen ©Snøhetta Campus Evenstad ©Statsbygg Fornebu ©L2 Arkitekter AS Sluppen bilde Ydalir ©tegn_3 Ydalir ©tegn_3 NTNU Campus ©Koht Architects NTNU Campus ©Koht Architects Sluppen ©R.Kjeldsberg
What is a zero emission neighbourhood (ZEN)? A zero emission neighbourhood aims to reduce its direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions towards zero within its life cycle. The neighbourhood should focus on the following: Plan, design and operate buildings and associated infrastructure components towards zero life cycle greenhouse gas emissions; Become highly energy efficient and powered by a high share of new renewable energy in the neighbourhood energy supply system; Manage energy flows (within and between buildings) and exchanges with the surrounding energy system in a smart and flexible way;
What is a zero emission neighbourhood (ZEN)? (Cont.) Promote sustainable transport patterns and smart mobility systems; Plan, design and operate with respect to economic sustainability, by minimizing total life cycle costs and life cycle system costs; Plan and locate amenities in the neighbourhood to provide good spatial qualities and stimulate sustainable behavior; The development of the area is characterized by innovative processes based on new forms of cooperation between the involved partners, leading to innovative solutions. Further reading: @ZENcentre FME ZEN (page)