Work Group – Planning for Greater Depth Tuesday 4th December 1-4pm Catherine Clarke – Assistant Head and Maths Lead at St Alban’s Surrey Plus Maths Hub
Introductions Name Role Key thing you’re hoping to take away from this project
Aims of the afternoon: To understand what makes an effective work group To establish a definition of greater depth in a mastery context and consider how this may be different to current or previous provision in schools To establish a way to find a baseline in order to gauge a starting point for each school To clarify roles and responsibilities within the work group
An effective workgroup…. Whole school buy-in Effective completion of gap tasks Reflection on gap tasks and using them to inform practice Not ‘training’ Working together to try out new ideas/ solve problems together NCETM communities
NCETM usernames Please make sure I have your NCETM username and if you don’t have an account please register for one. While participating in a work group is free, there is an expectation that schools will undertake ‘gap tasks’ and complete an evaluation on the NCETM website at the end Set up an online community for the schools involved. Can set one up on NCETM By emailing with email addresses and usernames Make sure there is a way to keep momentum going
Key Dates
What skills would a child working at greater depth have? Could ask them to make a list at the beginning of a workshop and then collect them in and ask if they want to amend them at the end Making links Confidence in reasoning Application in different context Secure understanding of number system Resilience Mathematical behaviours Reasoning and problem solving Finding different ways to solve a problem and commenting on efficiency
On a post it…. Write a definition for ‘working at greater depth’
Provision for a higher ability child v provision for a child Working at ‘Greater Depth’ Get teachers to reflect on the provision for a higher ability child vs a child working at greater depth It’s not that there is no differentiation, it’s that it looks different Lesson designs. Is there a toolkit of challenges? Journaling The role of mathematical mindsets – HAP, GDS? Language Culture Non-verbal cues Use of AFL is vital – might this have implications for the role of the TA? Training of TAs on AFL and help push on children as needed Training for TAs
What does it mean to master something? I know how to do it It becomes automatic and I don’t need to think about it- for example driving a car I’m really good at doing it – painting a room, or a picture I can show someone else how to do it.
Mastery of Mathematics is more….. Achievable for all Deep and sustainable learning The ability to build on something that has already been sufficiently mastered The ability to reason about a concept and make connections Conceptual and procedural fluency
Mastery and Depth Mastery To be able to use mathematical concepts, facts and procedures appropriately, flexibly and fluently. To use reasoning both to explain known mathematical concepts and procedures and to use them to solve problems. Mastery with greater depth To solve non-routine problems (i.e. where the approach is not immediately obvious) demonstrating creativity and imagination. To explore and investigate mathematical contexts and structures, to communicate results clearly and systematically and to explain, generalise and prove results. All children are entitled to this deeply about the maths! But some will go even deeper!
Discussion Question – strategies to support mastery What elements of mastery with greater depth do you feel you are already addressing in your school and how?
Cognitive Domain - Depth of Understanding
SATs questions 2018 How might a child complete this who is working at a Greater Depth of understanding than ARE? What wider implications for everyday classroom teaching and learning might this mean?
How might a child complete this who is working at a Greater Depth of understanding than ARE?
How important is teacher subject knowledge? Equal parts Correct language essential
Discussion Question – assessing mastery How do you as a school assess the level of understanding leading to mastery with greater depth? Verbal and written reasoning Explaining how they got their answers Not looking for a list of content domain. It is a list of behaviours and mathematical skills and thinking There is a dichotomy between testing and scores and the aims of the national curriculum There is no way to predict how well children are going to do – it needs to be flexible – it’s going to vary based on different topics. Need to avoid putting ceilings on children
Some signposted resources… Bloom’s Taxonomy (Verbs) GLOW Maths Hub (Lomax & Bowman summary document – in community) Kate Mole’s blog (in community) Dive deeper with ‘Higher Attainers’ blog Aiden Sever’s blog NCETM Primary PD Materials High quality textbooks NRICH activities Always, Sometimes, Never true Keen Kite mastery with greater depth text books
Discussion Question What are the current issues you are facing when meeting the needs of learners who require extra challenge?
The Essence of Teaching for Mastery Every lesson should be accompanied by practice Ensure the practice includes variation Ensure the practice includes dong nao jin Questions and dong nao jin with additional challenge Those who answer the dong nao jin with additional challenge consistently provide evidence of greater depth
Idea to consider Dong Nao Jin Is anyone using this already in maths lessons?
Dong Nao Jin
Dong Nao Jin A regular part of a lesson In general ,this part is not from the textbook. Sometimes it is: A challenging question for students, A “trap” for students. Very “tricky” which may let the students “puzzle” again It is an opportunity help student think about the knowledge in another way.
Dong Nao Jin How could this idea be applied to your current practice? If you’re already using this, how could it be developed further? Group discussion
Dong Nao Jin Design a Dong Nao Jin activity for a learning objective you will be teaching this week. Work with a partner (same year group?) Consider how you want to challenge the children and move their thinking on. Think about how you can do this with the activity. Group discussion
Establishing a baseline Have another look at the definition on your post it. Has your thinking changed at all? Do you want to make any amendments?
Go back to your definitions of greater depth and the list of skills a child would have Are there any changes you would like to make? Is there anything you could now add to your list?
Where are you now? The Education Endowment Foundation’s report, Improving Mathematics In Key Stages Two and Three sets out eight evidence-based recommendations on the effective teaching of mathematics. They produced a document which describes what ‘ineffective’, ‘improving’ and ‘exemplary’ practice can look like in relation to each of the recommendations.
8 categories: RECOMMENDATION 1 - Use assessment to build on pupils’ existing knowledge and understanding RECOMMENDATION 2 - Use manipulatives and representations RECOMMENDATION 3- Teach strategies for solving problems RECOMMENDATION 4- Enable pupils to develop a rich network of mathematical knowledge RECOMMENDATION 5- Develop pupils’ independence and motivation RECOMMENDATION 6- Use tasks and resources to challenge and support pupils’ mathematics RECOMMENDATION 7- Use structured interventions to provide additional support RECOMMENDATION 8- Support pupils to make a successful transition between primary and secondary school – more geared for secondary schools
Establish your school’s baseline with regards to mastery as we have defined it today Complete the RAG rating document and compile evidence to go alongside it
Gap Task Establish your school’s baseline with regards to mastery as we have defined it today Complete the RAG rating document and compile evidence to go alongside it It should become part of the everyday practice that you are collecting evidence Book evidence Staff surveys dong nao jin – try this out in your schools if you’re not already using it