University of Derby People Strategy 2018 - 2022
Clear Line of Sight to the Strategic Framework Values/Culture/STEP People Strategy People Promise People Themes Supporting Strategies Action Plans
The People Promise “We will create a thriving, high-performing, diverse, inclusive and outward-facing workforce that delivers an outstanding student and business experience, by recruiting, developing, supporting, rewarding and retaining talented staff at all levels who live and role-model the university values and ambition”
6 People Themes and Strategic Aims: A. Recruitment, Reward & Recognition To develop transparent, fair and competitive reward, recognition and performance management policies and processes that allow the university to attract top talent locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, rewarding and retaining high performing staff who exhibit and role model the university values and encourage and support the transition to a high performance culture. B. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion To actively promote the importance of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion across all People-related activities, processes, procedures and policies in the university, ensuring legislative and regulatory compliance and supporting the recruitment and development of a diverse, inclusive and high performing workforce. C. Health, Safety & Wellbeing To actively promote the importance of Health, Safety and Wellbeing across all People-related activities, processes, procedures and policies in the university, ensuring legislative and regulatory compliance and providing a safe and supportive environment for our staff, students and visitors to the university.
6 People Themes and Strategic Aims: To adopt a pro-active approach to organisational design, workforce and succession planning, ensuring that this is aligned to College/Department and university plans, and that individual and team development requirements, that support the transition towards a high performance culture and that reinforce the values of the university, are met. D. Organisational Design, Culture & Engagement To review the HR department and People-related processes with the aim of reducing bureaucracy and increasing agility, efficiency and user-friendliness whilst ensuring legislative and regulatory compliance and adopting a continuous improvement approach to service delivery. E. HR Service, Systems & Process Improvement F. Employee Relations & Policy Review To develop appropriate machinery for consultation and negotiation with staff and staff representatives in respect of the development and review of university policy, the management of change, local pay negotiations and other matters covered by collective agreements, ensuring that staff views are heard and taken due account of.
Implementation, Governance & Review A Committee/Group is being set up to oversee the development and delivery of the People Strategy (The People Strategy Advisory Group); This would report regularly to EVCE and through to Governing Council and would have Non-Exec Council membership; HR will lead on implementation, working closely with key stakeholders in respect of the development and implementation phases of the various actions and projects; Supporting strategies and relevant committees or groups will provide regular updates on progress against action plans in their relevant areas to the PSAG as well as making recommendations on actions to other relevant committees as appropriate; It is intended that relevant action plans be reviewed annually and that the People Strategy be reviewed every 4 years. The success of the People Strategy in delivering its’ aims and objectives in support of the university’s strategic framework and values will be dependent on it receiving the support of both the Senior Leadership and wider Leadership group within the university, including making available appropriate levels of resource to enable projects to be delivered and actions achieved.