Agenda Item 8. Update on Eurostat’s International Activities related to environmental accounts Working Group "Environmental Accounts" Joint Eurostat/EFTA group Meeting of 23 and 24 March 2009
London Group + SEEA revision OECD Material Flows & Resource Productivity Climate change and official statistics London Group + SEEA revision UNCEEA + Bureau OECD-Eurostat Task Force: Emission Permits in the National Accounts Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force on Measuring Sustainable Development
Where the statistical system can improve things… Climate change and official statistics Where the statistical system can improve things… Emissions inventory: IPCC methodology & responsibility (Tier 1, 2, 3 etc) Pollution / emission registers Economic Statistics Energy Statistics Production Statistics Role of Official Statistics is to ensure solid foundation! Land use / land cover Agriculture Statistics Waste Statistics Forestry Statistics